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The 2024 Olympics Turns into a Demonic Pride Parade

Because Western cultural elites today are overwhelmingly cultural Marxists, the organizers of the 2800-year-old athletic competition decided to jettison any connection with sports, athletic excellence, or national pride, and instead promote the normalization of sexual perversion, gender ideology, and anti-Christian bigotry.

The Culture War We Are Poised to Lose

Pride Month was declared by Bill Clinton in 1999, and over the past 10-15 years the ‘celebrations’ have become not just omnipresent with corporations and national brands falling over themselves to outdo each other in rainbow mania, but from public streets to public school rooms, the elevation of LGBTQ+ to state religion status is the new reality.

Isn’t It Time to “Bud Light” Oreo Cookies?

Pride of Perversion Month is just around the corner. We are about to see woke corporations, media, academia, and even government at all levels, turn themselves inside-out to partner in the cacophony of glitter, rainbows and NSFW parades. Bud Light learned there was a limit to how much targeting of normies would be tolerated.