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Kamala Should Be Impeached

By Ben Shapiro:There are a bunch of reasons she could theoretically be impeached. For example, the fact that she has not yet invoked the 25th Amendment to get rid of her boss after defenestrating him from his nomination would be a pretty good-sized abdication of her constitutional duty.

Kamala’s Insulting Pander to Black Men

It is insulting to black voters that the first thing Harris could think of when trying to reach out to them was to help them sell drugs for a living. It can be no surprise that many black citizens are considering voting for Trump. He has been smeared for referring to “black jobs.” Now, Kamala Harris has revealed what she thinks of when pondering jobs suitable for black men.

Kamala’s Brat Energy Is Gone

By Ben Shapiro: Kamala Harris is on the ropes. The joy is gone. The sugar high has worn off. Kamala, it turns out, is still Kamala. And that’s devastating news for a Democratic Party that had hoped to move forward, unburdened by what has been.

Kamala Faces Plagiarism Accusations

A new report by Austrian “plagiarism hunter” Stefan Weber and Christopher Rufo of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research claims that Harris and her co-author, Joan O’C. Hamilton, lifted large passages of their book “Smart on Crime” “verbatim” from “uncited” sources.

Harris’s Health Report

If Harris is such a stickler for fitness reports, she must compel her ‘boss’ to release his fitness report. The GOP and the Trump campaign must demand that Biden release his health records.

Kamala Isn’t Just Stupid, She’s Dangerous

For Republicans tuning in, the vice president’s performances didn’t surprise. She bumbled. She pursed her lips. She avoided specifics, ducked questions, and clung to talking points harder than the Lycra in her pantsuits. In other words, it was the usual fare of Kamala pablum, plus or minus a hug from Oprah

The Harris Campaign Is Getting Desperate

If Democrats had anything worthwhile to offer the American people they not only would have offered it by now, they would have implemented it already. The mess we’re living in right now is the best they can offer, and the American people hate it. It’s why they’re panicking and why they should.