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Hunter Biden’s Conviction Is Hopefully the First of Many

Hopefully, Hunter’s gun conviction is just the tip of the criminal activity iceberg for him. Throughout his life, his despicable behavior has been facilitated by his father and numerous other individuals both in and out of government seeking to ride Joe’s coattails.

Why Hunter Biden’s Guilty Verdict is Nothing Like Trump’s

By Glenn Beck: Comparing Donald Trump’s trial to Hunter Biden’s trial isn’t like comparing apples to oranges — it’s like comparing apples to eggs. They are completely different. They don’t even share the same source. The Donald Trump trial comes from a very rotten tree. The other one comes from the butt of a chicken.

The Hunter Biden Case Smells Strongly of Corruption

“What’s happening with Hunter is essentially they picked the lowest level thing that didn’t connect to President Biden, the thing they could paint in the light of addiction, the most sympathetic light, as a means to absolve him for guilt in everything else,” says Howell, executive director for the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation.

After a Lot of Crack, Hunter Biden Goes Down

After Hunter Biden left behind enough evidence of assorted crimes to put away ten men for life, he was finally convicted of lying on a firearms form that probably half the country has lied about. Admittedly that half of the country probably wasn’t smoking crack, conducting drug deals and in bed with enemy nationals.

The Hunter Verdicts Won’t Stop the Desperate Pro-Biden Spin

Hunter Biden is 54 and network anchors refer to him as a “child.” The contrast in tone tells you that the media elites loathe Trump, but treat the Biden family like they’re close friends who they want to surround and protect. There was a sense of glee when Democrats began crowing about Trump the “convicted felon.”