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Dems ARE Going to Get Biden Off the Ticket

Biden insisted Friday that he won’t drop out of the race unless “the Lord Almighty” tells him. Get ready for a lot of Dems to start praying. Not so much to God, though, as to Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and anyone else with a shot at getting through to Joe, who right now seems to be listening only to Hunter and Dr. Jill.

No Summer Vacation from the 2024 Presidential Race

By Karl Rove: A presidential campaign never stops, but there are lulls. We’re entering one: the period between the Donald Trump and Hunter Biden verdicts and the first debate, two weeks from now. If you need a rest from politics, take advantage because when that debate starts, from then on it’s going to be a breakneck pace.

Can We Trust the November Outcome?

By Ray Cardello: . I accept that Joe Biden is our president, but not how he found his way to the Oval Office. With America in the grasp of a global pandemic and Joe Biden rarely leaving his Delaware basement, there is no logical explanation for Biden garnering over 12 million votes more than Barack Obama did when he set the previous record in 2008.

Trump Should Pick the Hillbilly

If there’s the remotest possibility that Trump could win, he ought to pick Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio. The two complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses, as running mates should. Vance is smart, Trump is not. Vance is not exciting, Trump is too exciting; Trump is from Florida, Vance is not.