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Dems Bury an Angry, Shouting Joe at 11:30 in Final Disgrace

That wasn’t an accident. The first night of the convention was losers night, featuring Biden and Hillary Clinton along with duds like Kathy Hochul and zealots like AOC.  Democrats lined up an endless list of speakers ahead of Biden to push his speech back as far as they could, so as few people as possible would hear it.

The Final Ride of Adderall Joe

His handlers got the uppers cocktail timed right. Screamin’ Joe was back. If you like emphatic finger-pointing, Biden’s DNC farewell speech was the motherlode. The puppet masters also seemed to have had him practice shaking his fist a lot. Even when he stuck to the script it was nonsensical

Biden’s Deranged DNC Speech

Biden was in fine form, repeating the usual lies and clichés, raging and mumbling his way through the same speech that he’s been giving for four years in which he acts like he’s the last guard of democracy against anyone who disagrees with him while trying to also uphold his legacy as America’s savior.

They Ripped the Torch from His Hand

The opening night of a Presidential convention is reserved for the least important people in government. In a final blow to Joe Biden, the DNC has slotted him for late on Monday night. The East Coast will already be sleeping, as will Joe. This disrespect is Kamala saying good night, Joe, and I won’t be needing you on the campaign trail.

It’s DNC Alternative Reality Week

The Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media will be hyperventilating for four days, sending wave after wave of biased awfulness crashing into every news cycle. They’ve never before had to sell a load of B.S. as big as this one.