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Dems Became the Party of Controlling Scolds and Lost

By Lanny Davis: It’s time we liberal Democrats faced up to the truth. We have become the party of intolerance and shaming, and a lot of ordinary Americans who once reliably voted Democratic and shared our Franklin Roosevelt-era liberalism that viewed government as a force for good now look at us as out-of-touch elites.

Democrat Introspection? Don’t Count on It

One might think that after almost nine years of relentless “resistance” against Trump — lawfare, violent protests, FBI raid (including the fondling of Melania’s underwear), and including two assassination attempts — that only resulted in Trump’s reelection by large margins, would result in a moment of pause and reflection. One would be wrong.

Dems Are Running Out of Star Power

Who are the “stars” anymore? No names leap to mind, which leaves the party with recycling has-beens in an attempt to appeal to an ever-dwindling slice of the public who not only cares, but also has any idea who these people are.

The Democrat Machine Has Dumbed Down the Left

Anyone watching the happenings of the last five weeks with an open mind has to agree that we are no longer a government of the people but one that looks down on and uses its people to preserve the power of those at the top. It is truly a sad and disheartening time for America, and we are approaching a point of no return.

Defecting Dems

An increasing number of people are waking up to the fact that the Democrats, in their current incarnation, have become the party of the wealthy elite, no matter how much they accuse conservatives of being members of the white wine spritzer/camembert set.

Dems Truly Hate Us Normal People

By Kurt Schlichter: The elite of the Democrat Party hates us. It doesn’t just dislike us. It doesn’t find us merely annoying and tiresome. It certainly doesn’t want to live and let live. It wants to rule and let us die.