If you believe a land is yours, you are free to attack it, terrorize its residents, and claim it. Looking at what is going on at U.S. campuses, that seems to be what Ivy League schools are teaching to their students today.
Topic: College
College Professors Are the Most Dangerous People in America
They are dangerous because they encourage impressionable young college students to adhere to the doctrines of the professors they choose without giving them the chance to meaningfully challenge those doctrines.
The Dumbest Kids on Campus
It was altogether fitting that the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students who set up a pro-Hamas protest camp erected a “No Cops Allowed” sign reminiscent of the “No Girls Allowed” warnings on a young boy’s treehouse: These protesters are childishly naïve rubes at best and dangerously misinformed bigots at worst.
NAACP Refuses to Provide Evidence After Smearing Ole Miss Students as Racists
The University of Mississippi NAACP chapter is refusing to provide evidence or answer questions after accusing multiple students of racism, despite repeated inquiries from OutKick.com.
Ole Miss was engulfed by protests last week as anti-America/anti-Israel/pro-Hamas rallies on college campuses hit a boiling point. After one such protest formed on campus, a large group of mostly young men gathered in response to make it known sympathizing with terrorists wouldn’t be tolerated in Oxford.
Colleges Prioritize Unrest Over Students and Education
The Left and their media allies want you to believe the protests roiling college campuses are spontaneous uprisings of morally fervent students worried about Gaza war victims. Don’t fall for that claim. It’s a scam.
Fraternities Are a Cure for What Ails Higher Education
Greek culture stands for patriotism, civility and camaraderie, virtues embodied by the courageous young men who defended the flag at UNC.
Appeasing the Pro-Hamas Protestors, Puts the Universities in Legal Peril
The promise of scholarships, faculty positions, and resources based on national origin is a violation of civil-rights law.
Colleges Must Stop Admitting Foreign Students for Two Years
We have a country to protect, and tough times call for tough measures.
Can Frat Bros Save the Republic?
Fraternity men don’t tear down statues, they erect them. They stand in sharp contrast to the current prevailing ideologies that pervade university campuses to disparage the history of America and view it as a racist, oppressive place. Fraternity members are taught to love their country and improve it through stewardship and involvement in their communities.
No One Would Tolerate What Is Happening to College Jews If It Were Another Minority Group
What if students at a college in Oklahoma occupied the school’s administration building, demanding the school expel transgender and gay students because they feel those students are an affront to God? Even worse, what if those students demanded the elimination of these minority groups?
Columbia Law Students Demand Passing Grades After Protests
Blame coddling schools.
Biden’s Student Bailout Sends Tax Funds to Campus Mobs
After seeing Biden’s illegal loan forgiveness scheme, can anyone blame the would-be jihadis on campus for their entitlement to break the law?
Thoughts on the Protest Industrial Complex
The last time we had genuine protests for genuine victims was the civil rights era.
Campus Protests. Free Palestine! Free Pizza!
There was a day when Americans looked at universities as ideals for how to live peacefully in a free society guided by the accumulated wisdom of the past. Now Americans see them as home to the unreasonable and mindlessly destructive.
Vicious, Anti-American, Antisemitic “Protests” Should Be Quashed
It’s disingenuous to observe what’s happening and whine about the First Amendment. Commentators do it because it sounds noble and it’s much easier to discuss than the dark underbelly of these protests that is the rank antisemitic and anti-American sentiments that continues to just cascade from these students.
Florida’s Schools Are Ivy League in Handling Campus Unrest
If Ivy League university presidents truly had open minds and strategic sense, they would look to Florida’s thriving institutions and at least mimic the state’s education leaders’ constitutionally minded resolve.
Columbia University Caves to the Mob
The school cancels graduation ceremonies.
American Universities Are on a Death Spiral, and We Should Help Them Along
Everyone knows college campuses have been ideological cesspits for years, but the Oct. 7 response is our chance to burn them to the ground.
Campus Tumult Highlights Risk of Reckless Immigration Policies
Ivy League brawling is a mere foretaste of the upheaval to come if the administration’s reckless immigration policies continue. Uninvited visitors to this country no longer need to learn our language or adopt American values. Indeed, liberals insist recent arrivals cling to the national identity of their homeland.