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The Dumbest Kids on Campus

It was altogether fitting that the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students who set up a pro-Hamas protest camp erected a “No Cops Allowed” sign reminiscent of the “No Girls Allowed” warnings on a young boy’s treehouse: These protesters are childishly naïve rubes at best and dangerously misinformed bigots at worst.

NAACP Refuses to Provide Evidence After Smearing Ole Miss Students as Racists

The University of Mississippi NAACP chapter is refusing to provide evidence or answer questions after accusing multiple students of racism, despite repeated inquiries from

Ole Miss was engulfed by protests last week as anti-America/anti-Israel/pro-Hamas rallies on college campuses hit a boiling point. After one such protest formed on campus, a large group of mostly young men gathered in response to make it known sympathizing with terrorists wouldn’t be tolerated in Oxford.

Can Frat Bros Save the Republic?

Fraternity men don’t tear down statues, they erect them. They stand in sharp contrast to the current prevailing ideologies that pervade university campuses to disparage the history of America and view it as a racist, oppressive place. Fraternity members are taught to love their country and improve it through stewardship and involvement in their communities.