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The Anti-Americanism of Globalized Universities

U.S. universities used to admit students from overseas so they could learn about American values and the virtues of our political system and bring that knowledge back to their home countries. We were exporting democracy and freedom, one student at a time. It’s the other way around now.

Universities Breed Evil

By Dennis Prager: Universities have been morally and intellectually damaging for more than 50 years. How many young people return home after four years at college (let alone additional years in graduate school) a finer, kinder, more moral or intellectually more developed person? Let’s just say it’s rare.

The Feminization of Campus Protests

By highlighting the deaths of the young, Hamas has found its way into the hearts of women. Even though it may not be politically correct to say so, it is clear that the maternal instinct in women engenders great sympathy for suffering children. As a consequence, with Hamas depicting Jews as child killers, it is eliciting an emotion that resonates with women.

Colleges Side with Radicals

The Left and their media allies want you to believe the protests roiling college campuses are spontaneous uprisings of morally fervent students worried about Gaza war victims. Don’t fall for that claim. It’s a scam. These protesters don’t represent most students or the American public.

Hamas at Dartmouth

By John Hinderaker: Dartmouth has avoided the ignominy suffered by some of its Ivy peers during the current anti-Semitic moment. That is because its president, Sian Leah Beilock–I missed it when Congress passed a statute requiring every university president to be a woman–has reacted swiftly to illegal demonstrations on Dartmouth’s campus.

How to Neutralize the Campus Communists

By Kurt Schlichter: They get nothing – not deference, not respect, not even an opportunity to be heard. That’s how you beat them. And the authorities who fail to do this, who treat these communist kiddies as special snowflakes, will get broken and humiliated. The enemy feeds on weakness. The answer is simple – don’t be weak.