For those who wish to further mankind’s happiness, there is an outstanding alternative to writing a check to rotted institutions of allegedly higher learning. The charter school movement represents the American desire for improvement at its finest.
Topic: College
Most Americans Say to Punish Students for Anti-Israel Encampments
Nearly three in four Americans want to see anti-Israel protesters punished for the encampments that they erected on campuses across the nation this spring, according to a new poll.
Why Universities Are Retreating from Culture Wars
The 10/7 firestorm made clear that Harvard needed to revise its approach to public statements, a member of the Institutional Voice Working Group told NR.
Leftist Colleges Tend to Produce Leftist Scientific Studies
Americans haven’t come to terms with their scientifically politicized reality.
We Should Worry About What Columbia Is Teaching Teachers, Too
A review of courses offered exposes an obsession with the same radical politics as those of the campus protesters.
The Anti-Americanism of Globalized Universities
U.S. universities used to admit students from overseas so they could learn about American values and the virtues of our political system and bring that knowledge back to their home countries. We were exporting democracy and freedom, one student at a time. It’s the other way around now.
Anti-Israel Protests Reward and Encourage Terrorism
The Western world — students included — should give the Palestinians some tough love.
Universities Breed Evil
By Dennis Prager: Universities have been morally and intellectually damaging for more than 50 years. How many young people return home after four years at college (let alone additional years in graduate school) a finer, kinder, more moral or intellectually more developed person? Let’s just say it’s rare.
The Disgrace and Fall of the American Elite Campus
These infantile campuses have a rendezvous with adult accountability, both public and governmental. And they won’t like what is coming.
Stand Firm Boomers Because the Student Protestors Are Idiots
It is perfectly reasonable to judge them on the moral rancidness of their cause, their thuggish behavior, and their willful ignorance.
The Feminization of Campus Protests
By highlighting the deaths of the young, Hamas has found its way into the hearts of women. Even though it may not be politically correct to say so, it is clear that the maternal instinct in women engenders great sympathy for suffering children. As a consequence, with Hamas depicting Jews as child killers, it is eliciting an emotion that resonates with women.
Obama World’s Fingerprints Are All Over Campus Chaos
A who’s-who of Obama administration alumni are seemingly behind a concerted push to drive a wedge between President Joe Biden and Israel.
The Fall of American Universities Began with Vietnam
It’s been a long and disgraceful road to the propaganda factories American universities have become.
Some College “Men” Seem Willing to Donate Testicles to “Trans Men”
We seem to have entered the end stage of American culture, at least on American college campuses.
Colleges Side with Radicals
The Left and their media allies want you to believe the protests roiling college campuses are spontaneous uprisings of morally fervent students worried about Gaza war victims. Don’t fall for that claim. It’s a scam. These protesters don’t represent most students or the American public.
The Myth of College Protests
In the 1960s as now, protesters were never particularly popular, and there is little evidence that the 1960s demonstrations had the impact that liberal historians later claimed they had.
Not Your Parents’ Protests
Immigration-driven demographic changes and the advent of “wokeness” have radically changed the dynamics of campus politics.
The Double Standard on Campus Speech
Free speech for Hamas supporters. None for anyone else.
Hamas at Dartmouth
By John Hinderaker: Dartmouth has avoided the ignominy suffered by some of its Ivy peers during the current anti-Semitic moment. That is because its president, Sian Leah Beilock–I missed it when Congress passed a statute requiring every university president to be a woman–has reacted swiftly to illegal demonstrations on Dartmouth’s campus.
MIT Eliminates DEI
MIT’s distinction and academic standards can persuade other colleges to join them in removing DEI and embracing educational merit.
How to Neutralize the Campus Communists
By Kurt Schlichter: They get nothing – not deference, not respect, not even an opportunity to be heard. That’s how you beat them. And the authorities who fail to do this, who treat these communist kiddies as special snowflakes, will get broken and humiliated. The enemy feeds on weakness. The answer is simple – don’t be weak.
Feckless Joe Has Caved to the Campus Commies
The campus pro Hamasnicks can now take a victory lap, the president of the United States has caved to them and to his anti Israel far left in vital states like Michigan.
Americans Are Fed Up with Disorder and Chaos
Progressives may applaud those pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli, often anti-American and anti-Semitic campus protestors … but most Americans don’t
Truman Scholarships Overwhelmingly Awarded to Progressive Students for Tenth Year in a Row
Nearly three in four recipients of this year’s prestigious, federally funded Truman Scholarship have clear ties to Democratic politicians or progressive causes, a College Fixanalysis found.