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Time for the 25th Amendment

President Joe Biden is incapable of governing. Americans can see it, and perilously our adversaries can too. The U.S. Constitution spells out a remedy in the 25th Amendment.

Biden Has Always Been a Liar

Sometimes, Biden’s fabrications were just so oddball that they made you wonder if he was all there—even before he started showing signs of senility. An example of this is Biden’s insistence that his “Uncle Bosie” was eaten by cannibals.

Regime Media Is Toast, Too

By Kurt Schlichter: The regime media was perfectly happy with Biden being a senile, decrepit, corrupt, old, perverted weirdo as long as he wasn’t Trump. So they either lied about it or did not do their job competently. Either way, they suck, and their sucking cannot be hidden or excused.

George Clooney Throws Biden Under the Bus

In a NY Times op-ed, Clooney is confirming what we all saw. Heck, it’s what we’ve all seen for a long time at all kinds of events before Democrats like him started to admit it.  It isn’t just “one bad night,” it’s every day and night that is bad.