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Who’s Getting “Bidened” Next?

Now that a party forced out its own presidential nominee in a game of electoral Moneyball, what’s to stop it from happening again? Let’s say your party’s nominee isn’t a mildly stewed vegetable, but his poll numbers are poor. He got through the primaries, but his VP pick polls better? Why wouldn’t you ‘Biden’ him?

Why Were Walz, Biden and Others in Communist Countries?

In the 1930s, if any Republican politician chose to go to Hitler’s Germany for his honeymoon, they would have been hounded from office. But in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s three Democrats and one Independent chose to go to communist countries for their honeymoon.

Where’s Biden?

It’s anyone’s guess what he does the rest of the time. The vice president, who one might hope was filling in the leadership void, is instead gallivanting about, running for office. As the world splinters and shudders and slips into war, there’s no one at the wheel.

Biden Prisoner Swap with Russia Was Ridiculously Lopsided

Essentially, Moscow arrested a bunch of innocent western journalists and political dissidents, and then used them as bargaining chips to secure the release of its own killers, criminals, and spies. At the very least, it wasn’t the brilliant foreign policy maneuver the Biden administration and the media are saying it was.

Getting Joe Out of the White House Can Be Done

Perhaps the simplest way to convince Joe Biden to leave office now would be for the party to put together a very generous retirement package consisting of:1.) at least $50 million in cash, 2.) a massive slush fund to build a presidential library with a Jill Biden wing with leather-bound copies of Dr. Jill’s doctoral dissertation, and 3.) multi-million dollar annuities for all of the Biden family members.

The Biden-Harris Mental Gymnastics

The party deserves medals in political contortion. In a few weeks, they’ve gone from saying that Joe Biden is the next FDR, to Biden is fine, how dare you question his age, to Biden is incapable of serving a second term, to Biden is a stubborn old man who will sink the party, to Biden is a demigod whose selflessness will be recalled for centuries.

The Greatest Biden Lies of All Time

There is nothing he hasn’t lied about, from his own childhood and academic accomplishments, to how and where his own son died. That shows a dedication to the craft unrivaled in modern times and a shamelessness that would make a Kardashian blush.

Biden Ducks the Farewell Question

Biden explained his abrupt departure from the presidential campaign in a speech to the nation Wednesday. . . actually, no he didn’t. He said it was time to “pass the torch to a new generation.” But why was he all-in for re-election five days ago but all-out now? He didn’t say.