The White House determined that to win reelection the president needed to cater to pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, anti-American Arab-Americans in Michigan and to young Americans with similar views.
Topic: Biden
Biden Risks American Lives to Protect Hamas
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin recently admitted at a congressional hearing that American soldiers operating Biden’s disastrous “aid pier” for Gaza could come under attack from terrorists. Biden has not sent soldiers to recover American hostages being held by Hamas, but there are now soldiers in the line of fire in order to send aid to Gaza.
Netanyahu Is a Magnifying Glass on Biden’s Pathetic Weakness
The way it’s supposed to play out is that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is supposed to have Israel capitulate to Biden’s whims, giving Biden a diplomatic flex and making it appear that he’s in charge of something. Thus far, it’s not working out that way. That’s because Netanyahu is a strong, focused leader who has principles.
Biden’s Bully Diplomacy Disgraces America
If voters do return Biden and the Democratic Party to power, world leaders from Japan to Saudi Arabia are going to be making alternative plans that do not include the United States of America. The re-election of Joe Biden would change world alliances and attitudes and result in the isolation of America.
Never Trumpers Dump Biden After Israel Betrayal
Biden’s people bet that they could slap an arms embargo on Israel and still draw in Never Trumpers. That’s proving to be a bad bet.
Biden’s Silence on Campus Protests Beyond Disturbing
Pro-Palestinian followers have committed heinous acts including destroying property, injuring Jewish citizens and students who are simply trying to get to class, and occupying our hardworking police forces, when they have their hands full enough as it is. Biden hasn’t said a word.
CNN’s Hyped Biden Interview Was a Tongue Bath
CNN’s press release announcing anchor Erin Burnett’s sit-down with President Joe Biden promised an interview. Clearly, that didn’t happen. Instead, we got pure, unadulterated Regime Media sycophancy.
Biden’s Insane Interview with Erin Burnett Should Be the Last Straw for American Voters
Biden is something other than a senile old man who wouldn’t know the truth if it punched him in his botox-stretched face. He is objectively evil.
Biden Offers to Turn U.S. Military Personnel into Saudi Royal Bodyguards
Biden took office talking of his commitment to human rights and determination to turn MbS, as the crown prince is known, into a “pariah.” Now the administration is proposing to turn the U.S. military into a modern Janissary corps, a bodyguard for the thousands of royal princes who rule over their countrymen. It is well past time to stop deferring to the KSA.
Biden Is the Chaos President
Former president Trump did nothing that led to ACTUAL chaos for the American people. He was too busy trying to implement MAGA. But Democrats don’t want MAGA.They want a country in decline, handouts to buy votes, governmental control and power and easy schemes to enrich themselves.
Michigan Is More Important Than Israel to Biden
Biden is more concerned with votes in Michigan than the safety and sovereignty of Israel. Joe Biden should be impeached for abandoning Israel, and where is Chuck Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish member of Congress, with a condemnation of Biden’s actions?
Leftist Media Outlets Are Dying at the Worst Time for Biden
Fewer mainstream media outlets means, the left is limited in its ability to craft the narrative of our society
Biden Is Getting Dumber
In olden times, we might see the Dems boot him to the sidelines and bring in a new starting quarterback. The Party of Youth and Diversity is struggling with the fact that His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama did nothing to build up the bench and, in fact, left it bare.
Biden Lets Public Health Go Up in Smoke
Leftists demand that others “follow the science,” but when science and the facts reinforce arguments against their politics, they ignore it. That’s what President Joe Biden is doing with marijuana. He is dangerously sacrificing the facts on the ideological altar of pot pandering.
Biden Is Committing Political Suicide by Appeasing Hamas
By acceding to his young and hyper-online campaign staffers who have imbibed the woke catechism and thus view Hamas jihadists as “oppressed” victims of Israeli “oppressors,” the president, or “Dr.” Jill Biden, or whoever else controls Uncle Joe, is setting himself up for failure.
The Real Threat to Democracy Is…
Biden? Trump? No, consider this…