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The Atlantic Says Trump “Had It Coming”

Less than 24 hours after a failed assassination attempt against Trump, The Atlantic’s David Frum blamed the violence on Trump and his supporters.“The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator,” blared the headline, and on the off-chance anyone missed the intended tone of the piece, a subhead followed: “Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.”

Is Trump Hitler or Not?

The violent rhetoric must end. As for Biden and his team of degenerates, they must explain either why they are sending Hitler their best wishes or why they spent years labeling Trump as the face of American fascism that must be stopped by any means necessary.

They Tried to Kill Trump

By Kurt Schlichter: The nerve of Donald Trump, inciting that scumbag to shoot him by being literally Hitler, according to the regime media and the regime husk. And then his supporters shockingly dared to get mad about it.

An Indomitable Spirit

By Rich Lowry.  There’s nothing that’s happened to Donald Trump since his rise to political prominence that has made him blink, and now we can add to the list an assassination attempt.

Dems Don’t Care About Trump’s Life

They’re okay with violence as long as it furthers their political objectives – like their Antifa and BLM riots they justified time and again. The Democrats have targeted Trump politically, financially, personally and in about every other way possible.

Trump Just Proved That’s He’s a Warrior After Assassination Attempt

Rising in front of the American flag with blood on his face and with a fist pump and declaration to “Fight,” he justified the faith in his leadership his supporters have.The person who pulled the trigger is responsible for this act, but make no mistake: Democrats identified the target.Their over-the-top rhetoric put the bulls-eye on Trump. They have his blood on their hands.

The Day America Changed

After falling to the ground and being tended to by his Secret Service detail, Trump walked off stage, his face bloodied, struggling out of his security circle to yell “fight … fight … fight!” as he pumped his arm. Fewer than one man in a hundred million would respond to being shot in this manner. The image will be the icon of Trump and our political time.