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Initiate the 25th Amendment Now

By Tom Fitton: The time has come for Vice President Kamala Harris and the president’s Cabinet to do their duty under the 25th Amendment and consider whether the president’s cognitive issues preclude him from continuing to discharge his duties.

The Feminization of Campus Protests

By highlighting the deaths of the young, Hamas has found its way into the hearts of women. Even though it may not be politically correct to say so, it is clear that the maternal instinct in women engenders great sympathy for suffering children. As a consequence, with Hamas depicting Jews as child killers, it is eliciting an emotion that resonates with women.

How Liberals Killed Earth Day

Washington Times

Earth Day used to be a celebration of our individual and collective responsibility to protect the planet and improve human health. It was about science and data. Unfortunately, today, Earth Day has little to do with the planet and more to do with far-left agendas meant to increase control over the population.