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What’s the End Game for the Impeachment Libertarians?

Washington Times

Removing Mr. Trump from office would solve none of the problems associated with his alleged abuses of power. The object of their ire should not be Mr. Trump the man but the office of the presidency — and especially the permanent political class and establishment media (hereinafter “the establishment”) who whitewash and enable true presidential atrocities.

Remembering David Koch Who Made a Big Difference in Business, Politics and Philanthropy

Washington Times

R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.: I would like to compare how often George Soros’ name appears on a building or a work of art as opposed to the Koch name. The fact is that George Soros and the moneyed people on the left give their money almost exclusively to politics. The Koch money covers a much wider range of human experience. That is because the Kochs and other moneyed people on the right live normal lives.