What the public sees on TV is the administration mobilizing federal, state and local governments, the entrepreneurial class and a brilliant selection of epidemiologists and virologists to find solutions to this dread disease.
Publication: Washington Times
Trump Must Continue to Remind America That We Can’t Let the Cure Be Worse Than the Problem
The president has been listening to the right people in and around the White House. America is not a hospital ward. America is a vast country with the most successful economy ever. It is a capitalist economy. From time to time it is hit by unforeseen misfortunes. This time it was hit by an unforeseen virus, but the economy must go on.
US Doomsday Numbers Just Don’t Add Up
President Trump has taken swift action to cut off the influx of foreigners from countries teeming with infection and on Monday laid out stringent new guidelines to halt the upward curve. Americans appear to be taking the directives seriously, So, time will tell if it all works. But 150 million infected? A million dead? Right now, those numbers just don’t seem to add up.
What the Mainstream Media Isn’t Telling You About Trump’s Reelection Bid
Joe Biden had a big night on Tuesday. The mainstream media is all over that story. Just as big of a story is what is happening in the Republican primaries in 2020. Unbelievable numbers of voters are turning out for President Trump.
Assault on Individual Liberties in Virginia Makes Vexit an Enticing Choice for Conservatives
Virginia counties leaving for West Virginia may be a longshot but movement has a greater purpose.
The Boy Scouts’ Bankrupt Moral Standards Embrace Leftist Ideals
With the Boy Scouts in very serious trouble, you can hear raised glasses clinking in the gay bars and in The New York Times and The Washington Post newsrooms. These folks claim to want “inclusion” but it isn’t about that.
How Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month and LGBT Pride Month Only Polarize Americans
President Trump is a great antidote to these divisions because he vocally celebrates and deliberately improves the lives of all Americans. Making and keeping America great is universal for all of our citizens and is colorblind.
Bloomberg Replaces Biden as the Most Gaffe-Prone Dem Candidate
The Democratic Party is in trouble with an elitist, condescending, sexist and even racist contender.
Pelosi and Dem’s Dumpster Fire Turns into a Nuclear Meltdown
The best defense is a good offense, so Democrats are rattling their sabers again, not only threatening more impeachment nonsense but even revisiting the Brett Kavanaugh smear-a-thon.
Faltering Support for Bernie Reflects Strength of Trump Economy
Is it possible that President Trump has already beaten Sen. Bernard Sanders?
Trump Drains the Swamp After Impeachment Acquittal
Since his acquittal last week in the Senate, Mr. Trump has embarked on a post-impeachment house-cleaning to drain the swamp of staff deemed disloyal to him personally or unsupportive of his agenda. Democrats have accused him of carrying out political retribution, but some observers say the personnel moves are legitimate, retribution or not.
Hillary-Bernie Battle Behind Caucus Change, Reporting Mess
The changes to the reporting system were largely made in response to post-caucus complaints from supporters of Mr. Sanders who believed he could have gotten a bigger bounce from his near victory here in 2016 if the raw vote totals from caucus voting had been made public. The first test of the new reporting system failed in epic fashion on Monday as precinct chairs found themselves unable to share their final tabulations to the state party.
Bolton, Biden and All Others Should Be Witnesses in Dems’ Charade
House Democrats called their bogus witnesses and refused to allow any Republicans witnesses — witnesses who threatened to poke holes in Democrats’ tissue-thin conspiracy illusion. Now it is time to hear from all the witnesses, starting with former Vice President Joseph R. Biden.
The Trump Impeachment Sets a Precedent That Will Burden Future Presidents
The impeachment of President Donald Trump has created a new precedent that will surely result in future presidents being impeached by the opposition party in cases of divided government.
Women’s March Shrinks to a Mere 10K Trump Haters Who Can’t Acknowledge the President’s Successes
Launched in 2017 after President Trump’s win for the presidency and the second abject failure of Hillary Clinton’s run for the office, you didn’t hear much about this year’s event from the legacy media because it collapsed under the weight of its own hypocrisy and fraud.
Why the Liberal Media Love Bernie and Biden
The reason that the mainstream media is in a lather to promote Crazy Bernie and lunch-bucket Joe is that the media has made an unexpected discovery. It is that if the Democrats do not nominate Crazy Bernie or lunch-bucket Joe they are probably stuck with Pocahontas or Mayor Pete Buttigieg, he of the unpronounceable last name.
Beware the Miserable, Regressive, Leftist Government Central Planners
Interestingly, all of the cures these con artists insist upon would cost massive amounts of money paid (by you) into government coffers controlled entirely by them. Also, every single one of these solutions would give these very same charlatans vast new powers unrivaled in human history to control every aspect of your life.
Trump Can Erase Historical Significance of Impeachment with Reelection
While the case for impeachment has never developed, Democrats held hands and jumped off the cliff together, taking vulnerable members from Trump districts with them. Their votes to impeach him will make it impossible to run as independent, bipartisan members of Congress next year.
Bill Clinton-Yeltsin Summit Exposes Dems’ Impeachment Double Standard
A leaked memorandum of conversation obtained by The Washington Times found that President Clinton pressured Russian leader Boris Yeltsin by offering U.S. political support for his reelection — with just one catch.
Lisa Page Is No Monica Lewinsky
Lisa Page, the now-famous former FBI lawyer who was outed as an adulterous anti-Donald Trumper during the now-defunct — nothing to see there, go home, folks — Russia collusion-slash-conflict-of-interest investigation into the president, has come forward, finally, to publicly speak. And of what does she choose to speak? Of how mean old Trump has forced her to shed her supposedly preferred quiet life and speak.
Pelosi Is a Loser in Impeachment Vote
For months, we have listened to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insist that this whole “formal impeachment inquiry” in search of a “high crime” did not require a vote by the full House of Representatives. Until, apparently, it does.
Trump Impeachment and the Dem’s Slowest-Moving Coup in History
History will note that in 2019 America saw the culmination of a coup attempt by Democrats, which commenced the day after President Trump shocked the world by winning the 2016 presidential election…He vowed to change the status quo that allowed for people, like the Clintons and other elites, two systems of justice and opportunities for enrichment by raiding the cookie jar with corrupt schemes.
Liberals Deride Trump for…Taking Out the World’s Worst Terrorist?
If you want to know how horribly and disgustingly partisan America has become in the days of Trump Derangement Syndrome, look no further than what occurred over the weekend.
Hillary’s Not One to Waste the Political Opportunity of a Funeral
In an utterly classless “eulogy” for Rep. Elijah Cummings, Hillary Clinton made a barely veiled reference to President Trump as the wicked King Ahab from the Bible.