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US Doomsday Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

Washington Times

President Trump has taken swift action to cut off the influx of foreigners from countries teeming with infection and on Monday laid out stringent new guidelines to halt the upward curve. Americans appear to be taking the directives seriously, So, time will tell if it all works. But 150 million infected? A million dead? Right now, those numbers just don’t seem to add up.

Trump Drains the Swamp After Impeachment Acquittal

Washington Times

Since his acquittal last week in the Senate, Mr. Trump has embarked on a post-impeachment house-cleaning to drain the swamp of staff deemed disloyal to him personally or unsupportive of his agenda. Democrats have accused him of carrying out political retribution, but some observers say the personnel moves are legitimate, retribution or not.

Hillary-Bernie Battle Behind Caucus Change, Reporting Mess

Washington Times

The changes to the reporting system were largely made in response to post-caucus complaints from supporters of Mr. Sanders who believed he could have gotten a bigger bounce from his near victory here in 2016 if the raw vote totals from caucus voting had been made public. The first test of the new reporting system failed in epic fashion on Monday as precinct chairs found themselves unable to share their final tabulations to the state party.

Why the Liberal Media Love Bernie and Biden

Washington Times

The reason that the mainstream media is in a lather to promote Crazy Bernie and lunch-bucket Joe is that the media has made an unexpected discovery. It is that if the Democrats do not nominate Crazy Bernie or lunch-bucket Joe they are probably stuck with Pocahontas or Mayor Pete Buttigieg, he of the unpronounceable last name.

Lisa Page Is No Monica Lewinsky

Washington Times

Lisa Page, the now-famous former FBI lawyer who was outed as an adulterous anti-Donald Trumper during the now-defunct — nothing to see there, go home, folks — Russia collusion-slash-conflict-of-interest investigation into the president, has come forward, finally, to publicly speak. And of what does she choose to speak? Of how mean old Trump has forced her to shed her supposedly preferred quiet life and speak.

Trump Impeachment and the Dem’s Slowest-Moving Coup in History

Washington Times

History will note that in 2019 America saw the culmination of a coup attempt by Democrats, which commenced the day after President Trump shocked the world by winning the 2016 presidential election…He vowed to change the status quo that allowed for people, like the Clintons and other elites, two systems of justice and opportunities for enrichment by raiding the cookie jar with corrupt schemes.