With all the racial unrest going on in our country, conservative leaders have all come down with a sudden case of laryngitis. Where is Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr., Tony Perkins, Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland and Robert Jeffress, to name a few? You would think by now they would have reached out to some “real” Black conservatives to discuss conservative solutions to what is tearing our country apart.
Publication: Washington Times
America Burns While Our Schools Hold the Match
Your teacher unions and many of their members march in solidarity with Marxists while they malign capitalism. They defend the destruction of Antifa. They applaud the divisiveness of BLM.
Trump Can Win. Here’s How
Imagining that an incumbent president can run for reelection without reference to the main portion of his record is ridiculous. Voters need to be reminded of the good things that have been accomplished. Otherwise, they remain susceptible to the line of argument from the other side that not much has been done.
Biden Won’t Lift a Finger to Stop Radicals
If Mr. Biden can’t or won’t stand up to the radicals now, it is because he believes he is beholden to them. If he manages to win the presidency, it will only confirm that belief in his mind, leading him to cede immense power to the least responsible elements of his base. If that happens, the sort of people who recently desecrated Madison will find themselves inside the White House and infiltrating our federal agencies.
Mainstream Media Goes All in With “Panic Porn” Over Covid-19
Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson has a perfect name for the mainstream media’s coverage of COVID-19: Panic Porn. Take this headline: “COVID-19 hospitalizations in Texas hit another record Monday.”
Tearing Down Statues Risks Rewriting American History and Forgetting Its Slavery Roots
When a statue is erected to a historical figure, the erection is a statement about the balance of the person’s life worth. It is not a claim of perfection.
Marxist-Anarchist Mobs Destroy Statues, Trample on History and Seek to Remove Trump
The events of the last few weeks provide more than enough proof that the orgy of destruction we’re witnessing in various Democratic cities has nothing to do with George Floyd, let alone black lives mattering.
The Liberal Media’s Deadly Art of Racial Hatred and Keeping America Divided
The media have ignored the 17 people killed during the recent riots, nearly all of whom are black, and downplayed the destruction of black-owned businesses. They don’t fit the racialist narrative.
Don’t Go to Work, Don’t Go to Church and Don’t Gather Unless the Government Approves
Today, we are the government’s prisoners. Wear your mask. Stay at home. Don’t go to work. Don’t open your business. Don’t go to church.
Dems and Rioters Don’t Care About George Floyd. They’re Just Using Him
Why is anybody surprised to see the racial extortion, lawless rioting and selfish looting in the streets of America’s big cities today — all in the name of an unarmed black man named George Floyd, who died in police custody last week?
U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll a Minuscule .03% of the Population
Look at recent headlines and it’s as if COVID-19 were sweeping across the nation as some sort of grisly ghost of death, leaving piles of bodies in the morgues, piles of bodies in the nursing homes, piles of bodies in the hospitals — even piles of bodies in the streets. But do the math and the truth is far less earth-shattering.
Reopening Religious Institutions During Pandemic Is Not a Dangerous Move
The empirical evidence here suggests that religious institutions are of central importance of human flourishing and unlikely to accelerate the spread or return of the virus.
You Are Not Going to Die from Covid-19
Good news! If you are under 65, in reasonably good health and do not have a vitamin D deficiency, you have only a tiny chance of dying from COVID-19. And if you are younger than 34, your chances of dying from the virus are so small as to be almost statistically undetectable.
Hypocritical Liberals “Believe” Tara Reade, But They Will Still Vote for Biden
Tara Reade’s sexual assault accusations against Vice President Joe Biden have forced Senate Democrats, Hollywood A listers and their media shills to change the narrative exposing what we always knew was a cynical plot against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Americans Must Stop Acting Like Sheep and Tell the Government to Take a Hike
Does the government work for us or do we work for the government? Formally, it works for us. We elect officials because we trust their judgment.
Gov. Cuomo Has Done an Absolutely Abysmal Job Handling Covid-19
All the breathless praise of Cuomo’s actions as governor may not be warranted.
Can Trump Survive the Covid-19 Economy?
Americans are indeed unforgiving to presidents running on bad economies.
Covid-19 Turning into Huge Hoax Perpetuated by the Media
When the postmortem is done on the media’s coverage of COVID-19 (and it will be), it will be clear that the virus was no Black Plague — it’s not even the flu on a bad year.
AOC and Her Communist Buddies Embrace Covid-19
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) says she’s thrilled by the crash of the oil industry, which has cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and could put many U.S. producers out of business. “You absolutely love to see it,” she tweeted. “This along with record low interest rates means it’s the right time for a worker-led, mass investment in green infrastructure to save our planet.”
William Barr Is Just the Man to Fix the Chinese Communist Party Virus
Present shutdowns, Barr warns, come perilously close to “house arrest.”
Greatest Threat America Faces During Pandemic Is Loss of Liberty
If anything is clear in the history of civilization, as well as that of the church, it is this: When you sacrifice human freedom for the sake of human safety, you almost always diminish the human being.
William Barr Is a Ray of Light During Dark Coronavirus Days
Attorney General William Barr has been magnificent in recent days. At a time of great constitutional distress, the attorney general is proving to be a calm, cool comfort who doesn’t just preach a good message, but follows through and actually, well — acts.
Obama to the Rescue, Amid the Raging Seas
Mr. Obama has arrived on the battlefield just in time to shoot the wounded. The Democratic primary is over. Bernie Sanders is already waving the white flag. The multitudes once seeking the Democratic nomination have all surrendered. And here comes Mr. Obama in his mom shorts and oversized helmet riding a girl’s bike. Peddling vigorously yet carefully. Don’t want to scuff up his angel wings.
Rather Than Complaining About Toilet Paper, Americans Should Marvel at the Business Supply Chain
It is silly for people in media (or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi), most of whom have never managed anything, let alone something as complex as a hospital, to blame Trump for a shortage of face masks and ventilators. It is the job of hospital administrations, and, in the case of public hospitals, local mayors, governors and their public health officials to determine optimum levels of things that may be needed.