Scott Walker: Trump can still win the election. The same media outlets that were eager to report his demise with poll after poll showing him down in key battleground states are now rushing to call states with outstanding or disputed votes.
Publication: Washington Times
Trump Delivered on Promises and Gets Results
Actions speak louder than words. Donald Trump comes from the private sector, where results matter more than promises. As president, he has delivered on the promises he made four years ago.
Incompetence and Ignorance Run Rampant Through News Organizations
We all have our biases, but there is difference between serving as a “flack” (aka PR agent) for a political campaign, organization, or a cause and holding oneself out as an objective truth-seeking “journalist.”
Meet the Bidens, the One Family Who Made a Fortune in the Obama Economy
Welcome to the “mute button election.”
In Final Stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Dems Lie Down Like Little Shorn Lambs
President Trump has officially broken these people. They now find themselves in the final, acute stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
A Biden Presidency Is Bad for the Media Business and America
Most of the mainstream media, by being so far in the tank for Joe Biden, have now put themselves in the position that if he is elected and fails, they are going to suffer even lower reputations.
The Dems’ Half-Century Quest to Destroy the Supreme Court
For nearly 50 years now Democrats have plotted to annihilate the Supreme Court.
Time for Trump to Bring Back Fireside Chats
The president could deliver speeches that underscore the fact he’s on the right side of history.
Liberal Vermin Squeal with Delight Over Trump’s Covid-19 Diagnosis
Watching the hate-filled vermin squeal and squirm in their toxic juices over President Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis has been an astonishing thing to watch.
Debate Had Only Losers
Anybody out there who is sick and tired of “politics as usual” sure got an earful Tuesday night between President Trump and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden in Cleveland.
New Senate Report Reveals Shocking Corruption Involving Hunter Biden
You know something’s up when the media bury a story that would have been a no-brainer for Page One if the subject was a Republican.
Trump Has a Chance to Destroy Biden Like Reagan Did to Carter in 1980 Debate
If Mr. Trump plays his cards right, he has not one but three opportunities to dominate Mr. Biden and show the American people what an out-of-touch, career politician Mr. Biden truly is. The 1980 debate was ultimately about the future. Reagan won that debate and won the future for the GOP. The 2020 debate will again be about the future. Mr. Trump has a chance to win that debate as well.
Similarities Between Germany’s Nazis and America’s “Peaceful Protestors”
As the parallels between the Weimar Republic and today’s America accumulate ominously, there is one parallel that is worth particular attention. That is, the characterization of ideological hooligans as “peaceful protestors.” We need to remember that Hitler’s Brown Shirts were similarly characterized in their early days when they were cudgeling their way to power.
CDC’s Redfield Is Confusing Everyone About Facemasks
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield, in a hearing before the U.S. Senate, said face masks are better than any old vaccine in protecting against the coronavirus. And then the next day he walked back his remarks…How about letting the American people decide for themselves how best to deal with personal health decisions. Those who want to wear masks, wear masks. Those who don’t, don’t.
Embalmed Bob Woodward and Desperate Dems Reliving Deep Throat Fantasies
This just in! D.C. journalist Bob Woodward has proof that President Trump killed 200,000 Americans! There’s a darkened below-ground garage waiting.
Will Antifa and BLM Cancel the Biden-Harris Ticket?
The radical left is not in a forgiving mood these days, and the possibility of its members’ cancellation of either Mr. Biden or Ms. Harris — or both — is probably keeping Democratic Party operators awake nights.
Biden’s America Is Being Burned Down by Biden Supporters
They suck at life. They are too lazy to work. They are too pathetic to do something constructive with their lives. They get their feelings hurt. They are angry. They are stupid potheads.
Is Michelle Obama a Racist?
Mrs. Obama seems to be convinced that virtually all whites are racist.
Kellyanne Conway Underscores Commitment to Family First
Even though we are in the height of the political season, with the presidential election right around the corner on Nov. 3, messages about the importance of family and community have become the talk of the town.
The Lincoln Project Women Are Silly and Stupid
A handful of women proclaiming to be Republicans have united in anti-Donald Trump messaging to join forces under the umbrella of The Lincoln Project. Ignore this faction. They’re silly and stupid and are busily, stupidly, trying to sell a silly lie about their so-called Republican beliefs…
Chances of Getting Covid-19 Are Slim; Dying from It Even Slimmer
We deserve better than half-truths and propaganda about pandemic.
Biden Has Nothing to Offer Black America But Fear
Rudy Giuliani: From the very outset of his campaign, former Vice President Joe Biden has presented himself to Black America as a savior figure for whom they have a moral duty to vote. It’s a total fraud. Mr. Biden is part of the problem for poor urban Blacks. He is not part of the solution.
Kamala Has the Right Skin Color for Biden But Nothing Else
Joe Biden selected a running mate based on the color of her skin. He rejected other candidates based on the color of their skin. He did this openly and without apology.
The Left’s Scorched Earth Campaign Against Susan Collins
Susan Collins is a consequential senator committed to the rule of law. For that reason, she has been targeted by Democrats in this election cycle.