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How Trump Won 2019

Washington Free Beacon

President Trump ends 2019 in a better position than when he started…He heads to Mar-a-Lago impeached but defiant, with a new NAFTA and a “Phase One” China deal, Space Force, 185 federal judges, the lowest unemployment in half a century, a stock market that has increased by 50 percent since Election Day 2016, a unified party, and an opposition barreling toward a confusing and bruising primary. 

Bloomberg Fumbles Facts, Laws in Gun-Control Policy Rollout

Washington Free Beacon

Bloomberg appeared to misunderstand what the FBI’s firearms background check system does, seemed to make up a new “loophole” in federal gun laws, and made questionable claims about gun use among young people during a campaign speech in Aurora, Colo. Despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars boosting the gun-control movement, Bloomberg’s comments suggest he lacks a basic familiarity with the details of firearms laws, sales, and operation. 

NY Times Columnist Speaks at Secretive Liberal Donor Club Gathering

Washington Free Beacon

New York Times columnist and CBS News political analyst Jamelle Bouie addressed a closed-door gathering of the Democratic Party’s top donors last week in potential violation of the paper’s ethical guidelines, which prohibit paid speeches to political groups and urge staff members to be “especially sensitive to the appearance of partiality when they address groups that might figure in coverage they provide.”