Deportations of illegal immigrants, including those convicted of serious crimes such as burglary and homicide, dropped to the lowest levels in decades during President Joe Biden’s first six months in office, according to new data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Publication: Washington Free Beacon
CNN’s “Thorough Review” to Decide if Helping Brother Smear Harassment Victims Worse Than Public Masturbation
Jeffrey Toobin kept his job. Will Chris Cuomo? (Probably.)
Kamala Bought $375 Pot on Paris Trip
Spending spree at French boutique comes as US families fret over cost of Thanksgiving dinner.
Meet the Progressive DA Behind the Waukesha Bail Catastrophe
John Chisholm inspired progressive prosecutors like Chesa Boudin.
Soros Prosecutors Let Sex-Offender CVS Burglar Free
Karim Clayton has a criminal history ranging from menacing a CVS employee with a knife to leading police on a high-speed chase. But Fairfax County prosecutor Steve Descano and Arlington County prosecutor Parisa Dehghani-Tafti—who cruised to victory with six-figure donations from Soros—have brought charges against Clayton at least a dozen times, only to abandon their cases or plead him out on misdemeanors with almost no jail time.
The Vaporware Summit
Biden rewards a hostile China.
Biden Nominee Stole Hundreds of Dollars of Merchandise from Store
Saule Omarova, whom Biden tapped to serve as Comptroller of the Currency, was arrested after she was caught stuffing $214 worth of clothes, shoes, cologne, and belts in her purse at a T.J. Maxx in Madison, Wis., in May 1995. Omarova was 28 years old at the time and studying for her doctorate at the University of Wisconsin.
Top Biden Aide’s Lobbyist Brother Wins Presidential Visit for Client
Jeff Ricchetti, the brother of Biden’s political consigliere Steve Ricchetti, has disclosed $160,000 in payments from General Motors since Biden took office to lobby the White House and Congress on electric vehicle tax incentives, according to his firm’s lobbying disclosure forms. Today Biden will attend the opening of the company’s electric vehicle factory as part of his push for Congress to “approve big tax incentives for zero-emission vehicles.”
Thousands of Massachusetts Parents Pull Kids from “Woke” Sex Ed Classes
Worcester Public Schools this week announced that 13 percent of its students opted out of sex education, including 20 percent of K-4 students. The “Rights, Respect, Responsibility,” or “3Rs,” curriculum teaches elementary students about gender identity and instructs high school students to act out scenes in which gay and transgender couples decide to have sex.
Customs and Border Protection May Lose Thousands of Agents Due to Vaccine Mandate
As illegal immigration surges, the Biden administration threatens to toss unvaccinated law enforcement officials.
20% of Academic Jobs Require Diversity Statements
Nearly a fifth of university jobs require diversity, equity, and inclusion statements that press applicants to express and expound upon their commitment to diversity, according to a new study from the American Enterprise Institute. The study is the first to empirically estimate the prevalence of diversity statements in higher education, may narrow the research questions that academics feel comfortable addressing.
Media Ignore Historic Achievements of GOP Candidates of Color
The media’s refusal to acknowledge the achievements of black and brown Republicans on Election Day comes roughly six months after Sen. Tim Scott (R., S.C.), the first black politician since Reconstruction to represent a southern state in the Senate, was boorishly vilified for criticizing President Joe Biden.
Reality Bites the Dems
Republican gubernatorial candidates won in Virginia and vastly overperformed in New Jersey running on kitchen-table issues like inflation, education, taxes, and Covid restrictions. These are matters that affect, on a day-to-day basis, the suburban white women who fled back into the warm embrace of the GOP.
Biden Naps as Fate of the Planet Hangs in the Balance
President Joe Biden appeared to fall asleep Monday at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Scotland, potentially endangering the lives of billions of human beings. He closed his eyes and did not move until an aide walked up to him to chat, perhaps just to remind the increasingly unpopular president that he was being filmed.
Pelosi Pushes Electric Vehicle Subsidies as Husband’s Tesla Stock Soars
Paul Pelosi owns up to $1 million of Tesla call options.
Top News Organizations Run Huawei-Sponsored Puff Pieces
Some of the country’s most prominent news organizations have partnership deals with telecom giant Huawei, which the U.S. government considers a national security risk because of links to the Chinese government. The Wall Street Journal, Wired, Reuters, and Politico have all published news-style pieces commissioned by the Chinese telecom giant to advance its interests, according to a Washington Free Beacon review.
Soros Bankrolls Far-Left Group at Heart of Anti-Semitism Scandal
Left-wing billionaire George Soros is bankrolling the political arm of the Sunrise Movement, a far-left group engulfed in an anti-Semitism controversy after its Washington, D.C., chapter said it will no longer hold rallies with Jewish organizations.
Book Review: “San Fransicko–Why Progressives Ruin Cities”
Why are big, blue cities breaking down? Michael Shellenberger tackles the question in his latest book, San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities. Shellenberger insists that big cities, particularly San Francisco, have been captured by a too-progressive ideology. The result is urban disaster.
Bald Weirdoes to Play Outsize Role in 2022 Election
2022 is shaping up to be the year of the bald weirdo. Of the 14 Senate Dems seeking reelection, two are completely hairless on top. Sens. Mark Kelly (D., Ariz.) and Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.) are both running in swing states. Three of the other Democratic senators facing reelection have some hair but are definitely balding. Sens. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.), Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), and Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) are all running in safe blue states…
Rashida Tlaib Admits She Only Wears Mask for Camera
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) thinks masks only need to be worn if someone is there to catch you without one, according to remarks caught on video during a Detroit community event. The “Squad” member told attendees at the event that she only wore a mask because a “Republican tracker” was filming her.
Dems Use Fake Newspaper to Influence Virginia Election
Democratic dark money kingpin David Brock is using his “pseudo-news outlet” to send Virginia voters unsolicited mailers that falsely attack Republican gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin. Brock bombarded voters with an unsolicited “Virginia edition” of his liberal media outlet, The American Independent. The 11-page mailer—which is designed to look like a local newspaper—includes misleading content that echoes Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Terry McAuliffe’s campaign messaging.
Top Dem Operative Bill Burton Advising Facebook Whistleblower
Former Obama administration communications guru Bill Burton and his company Bryson Gillette are working the high-profile campaign.
A Border Town’s Dem Mayor Has Had Enough
The Democratic mayor of Laredo, TX, slammed Biden’s immigration policy, alleging that his party has no plan to fix the southern border and has abandoned local communities in favor of massive spending proposals for other interest groups.
Pro Baseball Ships Jobs to China to Build Closer Relationship with CCP
Major League Baseball is expanding its partnership with the Chinese Communist Party, coming at the expense of U.S. jobs and growing Chinese influence over America’s pastime. The country’s leading propaganda outlet China Daily touted the MLB’s attempts to build a “baseball ecosystem” within the country.