The Supreme Court could use judges that can withstand political pressure.
Publication: Wall Street Journal
Woodward’s Non-Revelation
Mr. Trump now says he was trying to keep people from panicking. And given his preoccupation with marketing, we believe him.
To Combat Covid, Don’t Turn the Clock Back
One important solution to isolation is socializing outdoors. But the earlier sunsets that herald winter’s approach, exacerbated by returning to standard time, will make that less viable. This year, we should remain on daylight-saving time through the winter.
The FDA’s Good Plasma Decision
Ignore Trump’s tweet. This is the right decision based on the science.
Dems Had Less of a Convention Than a Biopic
Progressives like Biden’s agenda, but they’d rather sell the public on his empathy and character.
The White House Prepared for a Pandemic
On March 30, less than three weeks after WHO declared a pandemic, the federal government began investing with private vaccine developers. Operation Warp Speed provided hundreds of millions of dollars to Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and a partnership betweenAstraZeneca and the University of Oxford to develop vaccines and provide 100 million doses by January 2021 of each one that is approved, which the government will distribute free of charge.
We’ll Protect America’s Suburbs
Donald Trump and Ben Carson: We reversed an Obama-Biden regulation that would have empowered the Department of Housing and Urban Development to abolish single-family zoning, compel the construction of high-density “stack and pack” apartment buildings in residential neighborhoods, and forcibly transform neighborhoods across America so they look and feel the way far-left ideologues and technocratic bureaucrats think they should.
Echoes of 1984 in Biden’s VP Choice
A ticket with a Catholic woman from Queens lost Catholics and woman—and almost lost Queens.
Untangling the Media Myths of Covid-19
Gerald Baker: Has there been in recent history a more tendentious, hysterical, data-denying and frankly disreputable exercise in misdirection than the way in which much of America’s media has covered the Covid-19 epidemic?
Trump Wins in Portland
With his interventions the president is telling city residents that there’s nothing inevitable about the rising shootings and mayhem that plague their communities. They are the result of the choice made by too many public officials to wink at chaos.
The Lockdown Destruction
The lockdown-as-miracle-cure is a fantasy, as the World Health Organization has now acknowledged. The economic and public-health harm is too great and the virus is too easily transmissible. The public is smarter than the media and can adjust its behavior when flare-ups occur.
Coronavirus May Give Trump an Edge
His voters are more enthusiastic than Biden’s, and may be less fearful of going to the polls.
“Why I’ll Be on the Georgetown Campus This Fall”
Prof. John Hasnas: People who are often the age of my students have kept grocery stores open for me, cooked and delivered food to my home, worked in warehouses, loaded and driven trucks to deliver packages to me…and worked in hospitals so that I can get treatment if I get sick. I would feel ungenerous if I were unwilling to run some risk of infection myself to provide my services to them.
Is Harvard Really Too Dangerous for Classes?
Lockdown mania continues on campus.
Trump at Mount Rushmore
President Trump delivered one of the best speeches of his Presidency Friday evening at Mount Rushmore…Contrary to the media reporting, the America Mr. Trump described is one of genuine racial equality and diversity.
Police Brutality Affects Us All
Black Lives Matter would do well to remind whites that they can be victims, too.
NBC Tries to Cancel a Conservative Website
The network colluded with a foreign advocacy group that wanted Google to demonetize The Federalist.
There Isn’t a Coronavirus “Second Wave”
Mike Pence: Thanks to the leadership of President Trump and the courage and compassion of the American people, our public health system is far stronger than it was four months ago, and we are winning the fight against the invisible enemy.
The Problem with Police Unions
Collective bargaining protects too many bad cops from discipline.
Cancel Culture Journalism
The purge of senior editors at progressive newspapers this weekend is no cause for cheering. Their resignations are another milestone in the march of identity politics and cancel culture through our liberal institutions, and American journalism and democracy will be worse for it.
Liberal Cities, Radical Mayhem
Democratic mayors and governors seem unable to stop the destruction of their own cities.
A Vote-by-Mail Nightmare
At best, mass mail voting is a roll of the dice, calculated against the grim reality of the pandemic. If the country is lucky, the 2020 election, whoever wins, won’t be decided by a whisker. Then as the coronavirus is tamed, the temporary measures should end. For ballot security and democratic legitimacy, it’s hard to beat going to the polls on Election Day.
How to Keep Workers Off the Job
Another 2.4 million Americans filed for jobless benefits last week…The good news is that as states let businesses reopen, many of these folks should be able to get back to work. But most may have little incentive to, according to a new economic working paper that finds two-thirds are making more unemployed.
How WHO Lost Its Way
The organization should return to its roots and focus on preventing and countering outbreaks of infectious diseases. If reform fails, there’s no reason for Washington to continue funding the agency at current levels.