Trump wants to upend the Electoral College. His VP knows better.
Publication: Wall Street Journal
A Pandemic of Misinformation
Dr. Scott Atlas (Trump’s former advisor): Empirical data from the U.S., Europe and Japan show that lockdowns don’t eliminate the virus and don’t stop the virus from spreading. They do, however, create extremely harmful health and social problems beyond a dramatic drop in learning, including a tripling of reported depression, skyrocketing suicidal ideation, unreported child abuse, skipped visits for cancer and other medical care.
Trump’s Bad Exit
As his days in office dwindle, he’s making everything about him.
Thank You Bill Barr
He’s certainly earned the right to leave early. He has been the right man at the right time for that difficult job, with the principles and toughness to make difficult decisions despite bitter Democrats in Congress and a willful President Trump.
Jill Biden — Drop the “Dr.” Before Your Name
Madame First Lady—Mrs. Biden—Jill—kiddo: a bit of advice on what may seem like a small but not unimportant matter. Any chance you might drop the “Dr.” before your name? “Dr. Jill Biden” sounds and feels fraudulent, not to say a touch comic. Your degree is an Ed.D., a doctor of education.
South Dakota’s Balanced Covid Response
Governor Kristi Noem: They’ve called me “reckless” and a “denier,’” but our numbers are much better than those of Illinois, New Jersey and New York.
A Pardon for General Flynn
President Trump’s decision Wednesday to pardon former national security adviser Michael Flynn is an overdue act of justice that ends four years of political harassment, unjustified prosecution and judicial abuse. If it sounds like we feel strongly about this one, you’re right.
Trump’s Campaign Runs Out of Road
States and counties are certifying, as Sidney Powell is cut loose.
Let the Transition Begin
Trump’s legal challenges are legitimate, but the country needs to be ready if they’re unsuccessful.
This Election Result Won’t Be Overturned
Karl Rove: Recounts occasionally change margins in the hundreds, never in the tens of thousands.
So Much for the Election Landslide
By making the 2020 race close, and perhaps taking it into overtime, Trump has pulled off a second huge political surprise. At least a few pollsters might be looking for a new line of work.
Trump’s Already Won
Maria Bartiroma, James Freeman: Win or lose, America’s 45th president deserves credit for a more competitive economy, a nation at peace and a secure rule of law. Donald Trump doesn’t trample Americans’ rights. He doesn’t start wars; he ends them.
A Good Debate and It’s Not Over
Peggy Noonan: Trump won, not a dazzling win, but a win that keeps him in the game.
A Laptop Window on the Oligarchy
Hunter Biden was for sale to anybody who wanted influence with his father.
Have the Bidens Denied the Story Yet?
Media outlets are still taking aim at the messenger.
Dr. Fauci Protests Too Much
He objects to a campaign ad, though Trump took his advice on Covid-19.
The Trump Treatment for Covid Is Coming Soon
Antibody drugs like the one the president took may be a bridge to a vaccine.
Outside Walter Reed, a Misinformation Epidemic
Gerald Baker: It’s easy to be cynical about this latest outbreak of media hysteria and bile. It would almost be comforting to think that it’s all their fault. But the White House itself carries much of the blame for this rancid atmosphere of mistrust and misdirection.
The Stakes in the Presidential Election Are Your Life Savings
Grover Norquist: With barely a month before Election Day, President Trump should pose a few questions to American voters: “Are your life savings better off than they were four years ago? Who do you trust to keep your 401(k) growing?
A Depressing Debate Spectacle
Pro wrestlers are more presidential than either man Tuesday night.
Does Biden Really Want to Be President?
Gerald Baker: He’d be a hostage who issues reassuring bromides from a cell in the White House family quarters.
Trump Stokes the Transition Panic
The notion that Mr. Trump could stop a peaceful transition of power is preposterous. On Jan. 20 his term legally ends. If Congress hasn’t certified an Electoral College winner on that date—or settled a tie— Nancy Pelosi will be President if she is still House Speaker. GOP House and Senate leaders have already repudiated Mr. Trump’s remarks.
Bill Barr’s Prosecutorial Warning
The left distorts his important speech on political accountability.
Biden of the Climate Apocalypse
He gave a speech on wildfires and never mentioned better forest management. Yesterday, he failed to discuss the need to clear dry and diseased fallen trees defies what has gradually been recognized as a necessity even on the environmental left.