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All Trump’s Codependents

Wall Street Journal

Biden’s inability to stop talking about his predecessor speaks to the Trump codependency that has followed the Trump presidency. For the whole promise of Biden’s 2020 campaign was this: Elect me and we will put Donald Trump behind us. Voters bought it, but the Biden administration remains as fixated on Trump as ever.

The Dubious Origins of Long Covid

Wall Street Journal

Some patients, particularly older ones with co-morbidities, do experience symptoms that outlast a coronavirus infection. But such symptoms can also be psychologically generated or caused by a physical illness unrelated to the prior infection. Long Covid is largely an invention of vocal patient activist groups.

Trump’s Appeal Rings Hollow at CPAC

Wall Street Journal

Karl Rove: Why the muted enthusiasm from a crowd of Mr. Trump’s most fervent fans? The explanation may be in what the ex-president said and didn’t say in his 15-minute definition of Trumpism. There was no forward-looking agenda, simply a recitation of his greatest hits. People like fresh material. Repetition is useful to a point, but it grows stale.

Blacklists Are the Rage in Publishing

Wall Street Journal

Thomas Spence: Readiness to silence someone is often called the “cancel culture,” but I prefer an older term—blacklisting—whose historical associations expose the ugliness of what is going on. Not so long ago, book publishing professionals would have been horrified to be accused of it. Today they compete to see who can proclaim his blacklist with the fiercest invective.