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Blacklists Are the Rage in Publishing

Wall Street Journal

Thomas Spence: Readiness to silence someone is often called the “cancel culture,” but I prefer an older term—blacklisting—whose historical associations expose the ugliness of what is going on. Not so long ago, book publishing professionals would have been horrified to be accused of it. Today they compete to see who can proclaim his blacklist with the fiercest invective.

A Pandemic of Misinformation

Wall Street Journal

Dr. Scott Atlas (Trump’s former advisor): Em­pir­i­cal data from the U.S., Eu­rope and Japan show that lock­downs don’t elim­i­nate the virus and don’t stop the virus from spread­ing. They do, how­ever, cre­ate ex­tremely harm­ful health and so­cial prob­lems be­yond a dra­matic drop in learn­ing, in­clud­ing a tripling of re­ported de­pres­sion, sky­rock­et­ing sui­ci­dal ideation, un­re­ported child abuse, skipped vis­its for can­cer and other med­ical care.

Thank You Bill Barr

Wall Street Journal

He’s certainly earned the right to leave early. He has been the right man at the right time for that difficult job, with the principles and toughness to make difficult decisions despite bitter Democrats in Congress and a willful President Trump.

A Pardon for General Flynn

Wall Street Journal

President Trump’s decision Wednesday to pardon former national security adviser Michael Flynn is an overdue act of justice that ends four years of political harassment, unjustified prosecution and judicial abuse. If it sounds like we feel strongly about this one, you’re right.

Trump’s Already Won

Wall Street Journal

Maria Bartiroma, James Freeman: Win or lose, America’s 45th president deserves credit for a more competitive economy, a nation at peace and a secure rule of law. Donald Trump doesn’t trample Americans’ rights. He doesn’t start wars; he ends them.