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The Woke Threat to Philanthropy

Wall Street Journal

Major foundations like Ford and Mellon and other nonprofits big and small have shifted their missions toward combating “inequity” and “systemic racism.” Museums are jettisoning board members and canceling donors who made their money in ways counter to progressive orthodoxy. Government officials are threatening the independence and privacy of philanthropists.

When CEOs Zoom for Dems

Wall Street Journal

 The air in CEO Zoomland seems dizzyingly thin, triggering a giddy euphoria most company leaders don’t bring to meetings about spending their own firm’s money. How else to explain the political obliviousness of this event? However high-minded their intent, these CEOs are bolting their company’s interests to the professionals running the Democratic Party, whose No. 1 project is enacting a federal election law that advantages Democratic voting strategies such as ballot harvesting.