Prohibit “diversity, equity and inclusion’”statements at public universities and other institutions.
Publication: Wall Street Journal
California Is the Supply Chain’s Weakest Link
Environmental and antibusiness regulations in the deep blue state are backing up port traffic.
Voters Cancel the War on Police
From Seattle to Long Island, Americans voted against public disorder.
Dems Can Retire the White Sheets
Virginia’s contest was a test of whether Americans like being called racists.
Media Ignore Florida Covid Recovery
Journalists credited Gavin Newsom for a similar turnaround but won’t stop vilifying Ron DeSantis…Florida went from having the country’s highest rate of Covid infections to the lowest in about two months.
Trump Letter to the Wall Street Journal About Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election
Donald Trump: The election was rigged, which you, unfortunately, still haven’t figured out.
It’s Madness to Quarantine Schoolchildren
The CDC’s policies hinder learning and provide no meaningful reduction in Covid-19 transmission.
How “Diversity” Turned Tyrannical
What began as an effort to hire more minorities has turned into a demand for ideological engagement.
Merrick Garland Has a List and You’re Probably on It
At the top of the list are right-wing extremistswho’ve been officially designated the greatest domestic threat to U.S. security, but whose ranks seem, in the eyes of the nation’s top lawyer, to include some less obviously malevolent characters, including perhaps anyone who protested the results of the 2020 election.
Vaccine Mandate Madness
The virus is thankfully ebbing again, and vaccine boosters should reduce the infection and death toll. But the damage to the U.S. economy and individual liberty that Mr. Biden has done may prove more stubborn.
Unlearned AIDS Lessons for Covid
In the 1980s, Fauci and Redfield sowed fear about a heterosexual epidemic that never happened.
Trump Loses Arizona–Again
He still cries ‘fraud’ even after the audit he demanded found none….When are Republicans going to quit playing this game?
Even with Climate Change, the World Isn’t Doomed
Humanity has overcome far greater problems before and can do so again.
Vaccine Mandates Can’t Stop Covid’s Spread
Coercion won’t work because those without symptoms can still pass on infection.
The World Is Getting Safer from Floods
Climate change may raise waters and more Americans than ever live in floodplains, but technology and infrastructure protect them.
Biden’s Ugly Defense of His Afghan Failure
Karl Rove: His lie-loaded speech caps off a debacle that could sink his party in 2022 and 2024.
A Dishonest Afghanistan Accounting
Biden spins a tragedy for U.S. interests into an antiwar victory.
Replace Biden’s Foreign Policy Now
After the Kabul debacle, the U.S. and the world desperately need prominent Republicans to articulate an alternative to the Biden doctrine, whatever’s left of it. The stark reality is that effectively there is no Biden foreign policy.
A Taliban 9/11
Today al Qaeda’s leaders have regained the haven that they used to plan and carry out the 9/11 attacks, under the same Taliban hosts who refused to give them up even after President Bush declared the U.S. wouldn’t distinguish between the terrorists who attacked us and those who harbored them.
How Biden Broke NATO
The chaotic Afghan withdrawal has shocked and angered U.S. allies.
Biden to Afghanistan: Drop Dead
Biden is defiant in blaming others for his Afghan debacle.
Dumbing Oregon Down
Politicians and school officials in Oregon are embarrassed that too many minority children fail tests designed to confirm they’ve mastered the “essential skills” that high school is meant to teach. So in the name of racial equity, they’ve now done the progressive thing. Instead of lifting graduation rates by boosting student performance, they’re eliminating the proficiency requirement.
A Climate of Catastrophe
The facts in the new U.N. report aren’t as dire as its advertising.
The Case Against Masks for Children
It’s abusive to force kids who struggle with them to sacrifice for the sake of unvaccinated adults.