The acceptance of restrictions was difficult to watch. But even Canadians are fighting back now.
Publication: Wall Street Journal
The Jan. 6 Committee Won’t Be Intimidated
Liz Cheney: Those who do not wish the truth of Jan. 6 to come out have predictably resorted to attacking the process—claiming it is tainted and political. Our hearings will show this charge to be wrong. We are focused on facts, not rhetoric, and we will present those facts without exaggeration, no matter what criticism we face.
Mike Pence’s Constitution
Mr. Pence stands out as a rare Republican these days willing to stand up to Mr. Trump’s disgraceful behavior after the election. Too many in the GOP seem to have lost their constitutional moorings in thrall to one man.
Spotify and Rogan Are the Real Adults
Mr. Rogan’s existence ought to make you feel better about our society, though. His success speaks to a desire by his large audience for contradictory, dissenting, off-kilter, even absurd views. Audiences seek controversy not just to open their minds, not just to annoy their betters, but because to hear impertinent, unapproved talk feels like freedom.
The U.S. Needs More Nuclear Weapons
As Russia and China build up their stockpiles, Washington is replacing weapons one-for-one.
Biden’s Supreme Court Risk
If he chooses a radical to replace Breyer, it will stimulate GOP turnout in November.
The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid
Vaccines were wasted on those who didn’t need them, and people who posed no risk lost jobs.
Omicron Is Spreading. Resistance Is Futile
It’s past time to shift focus from trying to stamp out all new infections to protecting the most vulnerable from severe disease directly through vaccination and other evidence-based measures and alleviating hospital staffing shortages. Ending mask mandates, de-emphasizing isolation and encouraging vaccination ought to be a compromise most of us can live with.
Biden Is Flailing, Literally and Figuratively
it’s obvious that when the president pounds on the lectern and flails his arms, the overstated drama deprives his communication of any authenticity. It seems as if there are a director’s cues in his text: “It’s time to raise your voice, Mr. President.”
Cancel Culture Targets Charity
Left-wing political activists want to destroy America’s long tradition of private philanthropy.
Hillary’s 2024 Election Comeback
A perfect storm in the Democratic Party is making a once-unfathomable scenario plausible: a political comeback for Hillary Clinton in 2024. Several circumstances have created a leadership vacuum in the party, which Mrs. Clinton viably could fill.
Trump Isn’t Guilty of Incitement
Wall Street Journal (Flashback: Jan. 11, 2021)
Inflaming emotions isn’t a crime. The president didn’t mention violence, much less provoke it.
The Third, and Last, Covid Winter Begins
Peggy Noonan: Everything living wants to live, including this stupid little virus. It will shape-shift, find new entry points—anything to stay alive. But what we’re seeing now is the pandemic in its death throes. It’s going at everyone’s throats, in a frenzy, but it’s weaker than it was and knows it.
Joe Manchin Rescues the Dems
Joe Manchin’s decision on Sunday to oppose the Build Back Better Act is a service to the country, sparing it from huge tax increases and new entitlements that would fan inflation and erode the incentive for Americans to work. Paradoxically, it is also a blessing for Democrats if they get the message, and it offers President Biden a chance to reboot.
Wokeness Infiltrates the Salvation Army
The Salvation Army’s International Social Justice Commission published a discussion guide called “Let’s Talk About Racism.”…But its radical woke overtones against American Christians seem to make such gracious discussion impossible.
The Midwest’s Tornadoes Predate Global Warming
Activists who insist on a relationship between climate change and twisters can’t explain the deadly storms of yesteryear.
Eric Zemmour Is No Donald Trump
The French far-right candidate is presenting his vision in a manner that is attuned to the French elite.
A Biden Vaccine Mandate Puts Patients at Risk
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is threatening to withhold payments to healthcare facilities unless they require the Covid-19 vaccine for their workers. The CMS policy has the potential to backfire and jeopardize patient access, safety and the quality of care for millions of Americans.
The Omicron Variant Panic
Markets sold off worldwide on Friday after South Africa raised alarm about the new “variant of concern” that the World Health Organization named Omicron. The panic may be driven more by the fear of new government lockdowns and social distancing than by the variant itself…One clear lesson from the pandemic is that lockdowns do more harm than good.
Don’t Let Ideologues Steal Thanksgiving
For the left, it’s become an occasion to air grievances ranging from “colonialism’ to ‘carbon footprints.”
Censoring the Pilgrims
The left wants to cancel the WSJ’s annual Thanksgiving editorials. One is about the Pilgrims in 1620. The other reports on why we should be thankful for America’s current prosperity…We don’t mind giving critics a chance to make their case, but we won’t bend to political demands for censorship.
Who Stole America’s Confidence in Elections?
Brad Raffensperger: The Clinton campaign and Stacey Abrams spread falsehoods about vote theft years before Trump’s loss.
Glasgow’s Climate of Unreality
The latest climate confab achieved little, which is for the best.
Forced Covid Vaccinations for Kids Is Unlawful
Advocates of mandating Covid vaccines equate them with standard childhood shots against diseases like polio…But those decades-old vaccines have gone through the full FDA testing regime. The Covid vaccine has received only emergency-use authorization for this age group, meaning its safety and efficacy have not yet been established to the FDA’s satisfaction.