Peggy Noonan: Something is shifting. Many who backed him don’t follow his lead or want him to run in 2024.
Publication: Wall Street Journal
The Despicable Rush to Blame a Deranged Killer on Republicans
The media’s massacre blame-game also goes only one way. When a deranged black man ran down white grandmothers at a Waukesha, Wis., holiday parade, the media soon turned away from the awful story. President Biden didn’t show up and claim America is at risk of losing its democracy, as he did in Buffalo on Tuesday.
The House Subpoena Wars
If Democrats think this will be a one-time-only event, they are dreaming. If Republicans retake the House in November, you can guarantee that Mr. Jordan, as likely Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, will find some reason to subpoena Democrats about oh, say, what they knew about the Russian collusion narrative or Democrats who objected to the electoral vote counts in 2000, 2004, or 2016.
Ukraine Crisis Reveals the Folly of Organic Farming
As food prices skyrocket and the conflict threatens a global food crisis, we need to face another unpopular reality: Organic farming is ineffective, land hungry and very expensive, and it would leave billions hungry if it were embraced world-wide.
The End of Roe v. Wade Will Be Good for America
Peggy Noonan: The mistaken abortion decision, a product of vanity, roiled and distorted our politics and poisoned our culture.
The Abortion Disinformation Campaign
Don’t believe the claims that other rights are in jeopardy if Roe v.Wade falls.
Dems Blew Covid’s Politics
Biden and the party’s progressives think spending money will earn voter gratitude. Not this time.
More Hilarious Wailing at Elon Musk
Wait, you mean Twitter could ban one party’s political speech?
Elon Musk, Twitter and Free Speech
The $44 billion purchase of the social-media company is a gamble that could break Silicon Valley’s culture of progressive conformity.
Why Does Hollywood Hate Silicon Valley?
Hollywood needs to act more like a business pleasing viewers rather than preaching to them.
America’s Unmasked Singers
Has there been a judicial ruling that yielded so much rejoicing nationwide as Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s on Monday vacating the federal mask mandate in public transportation?…The reaction reflects the joy of being liberated from two years of Covid restrictions, often imposed for what seemed to be political reasons.
A Crime Scene Where the Victims Wore Masks
As terrified passengers stumbled from the train at the 36th Street station in Brooklyn last week, it was noticeable how many of them were complying with the mandate that to wear a face covering in the subway…For the millions of people who have dared to ride the city’s subway this year, the greatest danger to life isn’t some escaped molecule of a virus of rapidly diminishing potency.
A New York State of Fear
The progressive left has come to dominate New York politics, and it has derided the policies that cleaned up the streets. No surprise, crime has made a comeback. The problem isn’t guns, which New York strictly regulates. The problem is the lack of political will to keep criminals and the homeless mentally ill off the streets.
This Isn’t Putin’s Inflation
The price rises began long before Russia invaded Ukraine and will be hard to stop.
Climate Change “Solutions” That Are Worse Than the Problems
The political assault on fossil fuels comes at the expense of the poor, peace, and the environment.
You’ll Miss Fossil Fuels When They’re Gone
Progressives may loathe oil and gas, but modern life doesn’t work without them.
Be Afraid of Nuclear War, Not Climate Change
Russia’s war in Ukraine shows that global warming has distracted us from more important threats.
A Leak to the Press Aims to Tarnish Justice Clarence Thomas
Mrs. Thomas’s text messages are embarrassing but amount to an outsider kibitzing and commiserating with the White House chief of staff. They are no reason for Justice Thomas to recuse himself from cases involving the Trump Administration.
Environmental Alarmism Has Hardly Changed Since the 60s
Population then, climate change now—the scare tactics are the same and the predictions equally outlandish.
“I Covered My Face and I’m Ashamed”
Rebecca Sugar: I had refused masks before, forgoing a night at the opera and entrance into a store.. But in a moment of decision when convenience and conviction collided, I chose the former. Shame on me and on everyone who feels as I do and acts as I did. We are the reason that mask mandates still exist.
Biden Is Failing the Sanctions Test
The administration refused to impose sanctions in the lead-up to Mr. Putin’s invasion, naively trusting diplomacy. Yet even after Russian tanks rolled—and despite having months to prepare—the response has been slow, timid, hostage to feel-good “multilateralism” and unwilling to attack the real engine of the Russian economy: energy.
Biden Misses the Moment in His State of the Union Address
An anxious world is looking for American leadership in a dangerous new era. Instead Mr. Biden offered a rehash of his first-year domestic agenda that has brought him to his low political ebb. It’s dispiriting that a White House facing so many daunting challenges could come up with so little.
Will Canadian Democracy Survive Justin Trudeau?
His father invoked emergency powers in 1970—but that was against terrorists, not peaceful protesters.
Greenland’s Melting Ice Is No Cause for Climate-Change Panic
The annual loss has been decreasing in the past decade even as the globe continues to warm.