What a cluster fark! The cast of characters involved includes a porn star Stormy Daniels, a Playboy model, a gossip magazine’s former owner named Pecker, and an arrogant District Attorney named Bragg. Heading up this Fark farce is a tiny putz named Judge Merchan, whose daughter is a Democrat Operative.
Publication: Victory Girls
When Camping Becomes Grooming
North Face is just one of the sponsors of the Queering of camping for children. Yep, no Popsicle-stick birdcage crafting here. It’s learning to mince across a stage in drag, voice training and make-up tutorials. It’s cos-play as the other sex all the way down.
Biden Panders to Youth Vote by Offering Marijuana Policy Change
The Biden campaign is getting increasingly pulled to the left with all their pandering – especially because they are laboring under the delusion that going hard left will win them the youth vote.
Trump on Jews Who Hate Their Religion and Israel
By Toni Williams: On Monday, Donald Trump, elderly but spry Christian man went on the radio program of Conservative Sebastian Gorka to accuse Jews who vote Democrat of hating their religion and Israel. Oy vey. I hope we have enough fainting sofas for the Loony Left. Somebody catch Nancy Pelosi.
Olivia Rodrigo Pimps for Abortions at Concerts
Disney star and recording artist Olivia Rodrigo, of the hit song Vampire, is a tool promoting abortions to her teen audiences. While Miss Rodrigo is no longer giving out free Plan B pills to her audience, she is still promoting abortion to tween audiences.
WPATH Revealed as a Child-Sacrificial Cult
Investigative journalist, Michael Shellenberger has the receipts from World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) revealing that these ostensible medical experts on “transgenderism” have perpetuated a gigantic fraud on the public and left broken, maimed, and dead victims in their wake.
Trump Victorious Again
It was an utterly ridiculous case anyway.
Fani Willis’s Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Racist Workplace
Oh, puh-leeze, spare us the whole if I were a white man equine excrement. Do tell us what white guy could testify that keeping $50,000 in cash around the house was a white thing you wouldn’t understand and get away with it? Yeah, pull our other leg.
California Brings the Trans Crazy to Maternal Care
Can you just imagine what would happen to some midwife who dared to suggest to a male in a dress that chemical-induced “chestfeeding” would not be healthy for the infant produced by his female partner? Or a nurse who said “congrats, mom! She’s a beautiful baby!” to a female with a beard who insists that not only is she “father”, but her infant is genderless?
Fani’s Paramour, Nathan Wade, Going for “Stupid” Defense
Fani Willis and Nathan Wade seem to be hapless incompetents who have been playing way over their heads for the last couple of years.
Dem Strategy in 2024 Is All Abortion, All the Time
The Democrats held a meeting to decide their Grand Strategy for 2024. Suprise! It’s “abortion”. The same Democrat strategy every year.
Trump Veepstakes Is a Serious Game
Ron DeSantis would make a great Vice President, ready to lead on Day One and ready to spin up his 2028 Presidential run. Trump should be bold. Two White guys is a totally bold move.
Good Question. Why Is Joe Running?
The Wall Street Journal queries “Why is Joe Biden running?” Victory Girls thinks that’s a darn good question. Like most of the legacy media the Journal nibbles around the edges but never gets down to the real nitty gritty. There is a truth that even Democrats know, but won’t acknowledge. Joe is a puppet for the Deep State/Leviathan.
Rep. Cori Bush Facing Criminal Probe
Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) is the subject of a criminal probe by the Department of Justice over mishandling of federal security money. What’s more, it comes after the Office of Congressional Ethics *cough* dismissed such charges last year.
Chicago Mayor Calls for Gaza Ceasefire, While His Own City Needs One
A rule of thumb among progressive mayors whose cities are awash in chaos is to virtue signal on some unrelated topic.
U. of Wisconsin Law School Makes Sure Future Lawyers Are Racist
How much trust could any person of pallor put into a lawyer to represent their interests with the utmost professionalism if he or she was trained in law school to consider “white people” as the eternal oppressors?
Kayleigh McEnany Has Advice for Trump
Her advice will be for Trump not to be Trump and to pick a Corporate-approved person as his Vice President. McEnany is beautiful, smart and well-spoken, but she is like everyone else in the chattering class who thinks that Trump is a stupid vulgarian.
Hunter Biden: Leave the Gun, Take the Cocaine
Once upon a time, a crack cocaine-ridden addict named Hunter Biden slept with his sister-in-law. His brother’s widow, named Hallie, took Hunter’s (ummm…AHEM) gun and dumped it in a trashcan behind a grocery store.
Joy Reid Burns with Bigotry After Trump Win in Iowa
After Donald Trump resoundingly won the Iowa caucuses on Monday night, the folks at MSNBC went haywire, refusing to air his victory speech. Rachel Maddow wailed about the “potential rise of fascism.” But Joy Reid added her own special touch: including both racism and anti-Christianity in a diatribe.
Public Schools that Doctor Maps to Indoctrinate Students
A public school in Brooklyn is using a map that shows all the countries in the Middle East — except for Israel. What’s alarming is that PS 261 isn’t alone — public schools across the United States are not only doctoring maps, they’re also teaching antisemitism in the classroom.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib Earns Antisemite of the Year Title
Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has greater allegiance to Palestine, a place where she has never lived. And she hates Jews more than she loves her own country.
Explosive Allegations Against Trump Prosecutor Fani Willis
Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis is accused of having a relationship with the Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade, the man she brought in to prosecute Trump for “trying to overturn the 2020 election.” Michael Roman, a Trump official indicted by Willis/Wade, is making these allegations in filings. Oy vey!
Lloyd Austin Should Be Fired But Biden Is Too Chicken
If the Secretary of Defense is actively covering up the fact that he is incapacitated to the point of being in intensive care from EVERYONE, including his boss (Biden) and his own immediate deputy (Hicks), then he cannot be trusted and should be shown the door.
Lauren Boebert Goes Carpetbagging in Colorado
So now it’s on to the CO 4th District for Lauren Boebert. She doesn’t live there, mind you, nor will she move. But Colorado law allows carpet-bagging. Question is — will the voters of the 4th accept her, warts and all?