For the last few years, the Democrats have been using the events of January 6 to wield as both shield and sword against Republicans, and specifically against Donald Trump. January 6 was a riot. It was awful. But it was not an “insurrection” or an “attack on democracy.” It was a riot that was under control within a few hours – unlike, say, Minneapolis or Kenosha.
Publication: Victory Girls
A Harris-Walz Administration Will Be Dangerous for Children
Walz admits to wanting to be aggressive in making sure that parents will be allowed to mutilate and abuse their children.
The Cheney Trump Derangement Syndrome Delusions Lead Them to Abandon All Their Principles
Liz Cheney and her father Dick just cannot quit Donald Trump. Their hatred of him has led the two, and likely Lynne as well, to abandon all previously held principles.
Liz Cheney Is Desperate to Be Somebody
Good heavens, Liz Cheney, has made headlines with her endorsement of Kamala Harris. Come on, old Lizzy. Are you that desperate to keep your name whispered abou
Gold Star Families Still Have Not Heard from Biden or Kamala
The Gold Star Families of the thirteen service members killed at Abbey Gate have not been contacted by the meat puppets in the White House. Not one time in the past three years have Biden, Harris, Lloyd Austin, or any of the other anime avatars in this administration contacted the families of those killed or those grievously wounded.
Kamala Now Wants to Change Debate Rules
Why? Because she’s shown on a multitude of occasions that she’s incapable of responding to even the simplest of questions without embarking upon a word salad journey.
The Obama-Fest at the DNC: Overdosing on Hope and Nostalgia
Michelle did give a stemwinder of a speech for Kamala Harris, directly tying Barack and Kamala together with “hope.” If you had played a drinking game with Michelle Obama and taken a shot every time she said “hope” in her speech? Six shots in twenty minutes. Not even Ted Kennedy’s liver could do that.
Columbia President Shafik Resigns Before Fall Protests Start
Columbia University is a sinking ship, and President Minouche Shafik is getting out while she still can.
DEI Kamala Is Overdrawn at Bank Madam Melanin
It is really a cute trick we’ve seen time and again from the spittle-flecked hysterics from the Left aimed at even the mildest critique of their Royal Oppressed. And nothing quite comes as close to being declared the sacrosanct House Totem like having a female vagina nestled in a rich, melaninated wrap. Too bad Kamala Harris isn’t really a male-in-a-dress, gay-married to Emhoff.
JD Vance Has Proven He Can Play
With Vance’s flair for the charming and eloquent jabs towards Harris and now Walz, yes, let’s let him take care of that sort of business. We should get Trump back on policy talk.
First Republicans, Now Democrats with the 25th Amendment
Do not be surprised if the Democrats push old man Joe out with the 25th Amendment, making Kamala the first Democratic black female President.
Tim Walz Is the Veep Who Let Minneapolis Burn
He refused to call in the National Guard, labeling them as ’19 year old cooks,’ until a police precinct was set on fire.
Lefty “Masculinity” Applauds Men Who Beat Women in the Olympics
Democrats, especially the illiberal, Queering-the-culture, Leftwing of America’s authoritarian party need to be confronted now that the world has watched a man physically beat up a woman at the Olympics. We have been protesting the alphabet mafia’s cant, transwomen are women, for years, warning about the consequences of putting biological males in females spaces.
Kamala Is VP, Presidential Nominee and Honorary Sex Worker
This is one of the hidden stories the media will not tell you. It is a story that bears repeating. We go back to 2008, when Kamala Harris said she wanted to be an “honorary sex worker” and this quote was brought up on national TV.
The Culture War We Are Poised to Lose
Pride Month was declared by Bill Clinton in 1999, and over the past 10-15 years the ‘celebrations’ have become not just omnipresent with corporations and national brands falling over themselves to outdo each other in rainbow mania, but from public streets to public school rooms, the elevation of LGBTQ+ to state religion status is the new reality.
Columbia Protestors Are Above the Law, Says Alvin Bragg
Evidently there are exceptions to the rule.
Is the State of Virginia in Play for Trump?
If Donald Trump ekes out a win in Virginia on Election Day, then Joe Biden is finished. That this is even a topic of discussion should be setting off all the alarms in the Biden campaign, and if it isn’t? Well, denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.
Isn’t It Time to “Bud Light” Oreo Cookies?
Pride of Perversion Month is just around the corner. We are about to see woke corporations, media, academia, and even government at all levels, turn themselves inside-out to partner in the cacophony of glitter, rainbows and NSFW parades. Bud Light learned there was a limit to how much targeting of normies would be tolerated.
Queers for Palestine Go to Disney World
Indoctrination machine, Disney, is getting ready for Pride Month and it seems Queers for Palestine are wanting to be join the party with a few pre-Pride month protests of their own.
Hamas Fangirls Are Hurting the Feminist Cause
They stomp around their college campuses, pitching tents, holing themselves up in buildings and demanding pizza delivery, these saviors of terrorism. They are cheering for a bunch of womanizing rapists who beat their women into submission and strive to keep them silent
LA Mayor Only Upset at Campus Violence When Jews Fight Back
A Jewish woman was beaten to unconsciousness by pro-Hamas occupiers at UCLA while campus security refused to intervene. A group of Jewish students exacted revenge and then, only then, did Mayor Karen Bass (D) finally find a voice to condemn “detestable violence on campus”. How convenient. How transparent.
The White House Tried to Oust Their Star Karine Jean-Pierre
The White House tried to extinguish their shining star and D.E.I. hire, Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP). A plan that was hatched behind the scenes to get rid of the first black and openly gay Press Secretary failed. It’s likely she simply refuses to leave. You can’t fire a black lesbian from any job, you fools.
Terrorist Chic at Columbia University with Generation Z
The problems with Gen Z and their Columbia psychodrama is the potential deadly consequences. They know nothing about 1930’s Germany at they recite anti-Semitic phrases and reenact scenes from the past. Gen Z, allegedly, stands for “Zoomers”. I should stand for Zombies.
NPR Suspends Uri Berliner Thus Proving His Point About Media Bias
It shows that NPR only wants certain perspectives and would rather not examine any perspective that is even remotely considered conservative.