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Brittney Cooper Is America’s Nutty Professor of Anti-White Rage


Michelle Malkin: Brittney Cooper certainly takes the cake for the nation’s worst tenured radical (at least for this week, until the next academic nutjob erupts). Armed with a B.A. from Howard University and a doctorate in American Studies from Emory University, the Rutgers women’s studies and Africana studies professor made headlines this week after her unrepentant hatred of white people went viral. 

Leftist Totalitarian Power on Display at “Justice for J6” Rally


The physical intimidation surrounding the “Justice for J6” event was impressive, but the psychological intimidation was sinister. The rally organizers capitulated to the PC control that they pretended to be protesting. They Loved Big Brother. All that manpower and hardware could have been of real use in Del Rio, TX, where even on Sept. 18 all of the Third World was pouring in to replace white America.