Impeachment is not the only area where Pelosi relies on misinformation and anti-American activists to push a false narrative. She is now using these same tactics to shift focus back to the matter of climate change and the already failed Paris Climate Agreement.
Publication: Uncategorized
Ranking the Senate Republicans from Best to Worst
Spoiler alert. Here’s the worst: Thom Tillis, North Carolina.
If Kavanaugh Accuser Won’t Testify, the Senate Should Vote
An unanswered invitation is no reason to bring the nation’s affairs to a halt.
College Trashes Its Nike-Branded Gear
One of the stronger responses yet to Nike’s new Kaepernick deal is taking place on the campus of the College of the Ozarks, a Christian school in Missouri…The college is staying true to its previous condemnation of the divisive and unpopular anthem protest by announcing that it is removing all uniforms they’ve purchased from Nike featuring the brand’s famous logo.
There’s Nothing Wrong with a President Who Plays Golf
So let’s stop pretending there is.
Little Nazi Block-Watchers Are Constantly Reporting Conservatives
They can’t just stop following people they don’t like. Liberals used to mock fundamentalist Christians, claiming they feared that someone, somewhere, may be having fun. Now they’re the ones haunted by the fear that someone, somewhere, may disagree with them.
Trump Hatred Is a Consuming Virus
David Limbaugh: It’s ironic that the loudest of Trump haters routinely breach the very civil standards of decency they claim justify their antipathy. Others are just creepily obsessed.
Ocasio-Cortez Still Can’t Articulate How She’ll Pay for Her Socialism
She’s got an economics degree from Boston University, but she is clueless.
Make Football Great Again: Another NFL Star Defends the National Anthem
Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott unveiled Friday that his team had also come to an agreement to stand.
Never Trumpers Should Vote for Good Republicans in 2018
Democrats are moving left — it’s unwise to support them for the sake of rebuking Trump.
Putin Eats Trump’s Lunch in Helsinki (Anti)
President Trump seemed to lack authority, praising Putin when he should have been condemning him, and ceding opportunities to confront Putin on his most egregious actions of the past decade – including meddling in the 2016 election and the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014.
Kavanaugh Threatens the Left’s Right to Cheat
What liberals call “rights” are legislative proposals that they can’t pass through normal democratic processes — at least outside of the states they’ve already flipped with immigration, like California.
NATO Is Sick and Trump Is the Best Doctor It’s Likely to Get
Trump is not trying to divide the West, unless one thinks that blunt talk among rational adults about real problems that everyone acknowledges is “divisive.” He is trying to reform thinking and strategy in a dangerous time by insisting on fixing NATO’s problems. He values NATO, but not our grandfathers’ NATO.
The Nobility of the USA
Tonight I will continue my reporting on the social civil war now underway in America. And during this week honoring our Independence from Great Britain, it is worth paying attention to the current political struggle.
Supremes Should’ve Ruled 9-0 for Trump’s Travel Ban
The president, as the chief executive, is solely, singularly entitled to make such bans.
Democrats and Drive-Bys Compare Trump to Hitler!
This comparison to Hitler is intellectually vacant. And I’m telling you, when they resort to it, it means they have nothing else.
Trump Was a Step Ahead of the Eagles Setup
Chalk up another victory for Trump in an effort to undermine him and make him look bad.
NYC School Honors Hamas Terrorists in Gaza
The school’s principal, Ruth Lacey, has been unresponsive to outraged parents who have reached out. In a word (or two) home school. The left is weaponizing our children.
Did the FBI Spy Against the Trump 2016 Campaign?
Obama political appointees rampantly “unmasked” Trump campaign officials to monitor their conversations, while the FBI played dirty with its surveillance warrant against Carter Page, failing to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that its supporting information came from the Hillary Clinton campaign.