Despite the high marks Portman received as a #MeToo hero sticking it to The Man, the actress in fact lacks consistency when it comes to protecting female victims of sex crimes: in 2009, she supported a petition by French author Bernard Henri Levy to release director-cum-child-predator Roman Polanski.
Publication: Truth Revolt
Professor Says “Jingle Bells” Is Racist
Kyna Hamill, a Boston University theater historian, wrote in her “Theatre Survey” research paper on the story behind the beloved carol that it has a “problematic history” because it was originally performed to make fun of African-Americans.
Arrest the Editor of The Washington Post
Daniel Greenfield: Inciting violent riots should have consequences.
One Easy Way Democrats Can Stop Neo-Nazis
Daniel Greenfield: If Democrats really want to stop the rise of Neo-Nazi violence, there’s a very easy way. Stop normalizing black nationalism and the Alt-Left.
Huge Migrant Wave Set to Hit Europe, German Intel Says
With Merkel and Macron at the helm, there is little political will within the EU to avert the next migrant catastrophe.
Barnes & Noble Gets Serious and Won’t Stock Milo’s New Book
Milo Yiannopoulos’s new book Dangerous is already at number two on the New York Times bestseller list and yet Barnes & Noble refuses to put it on its shelves.
UK Advertising Regulations Ban Gender Stereotypes in Commercials
The Advertising Standards Authority, a United Kingdom regulatory agency, announced a ban on gender stereotypes in commercials starting in 2018. That means showing women cleaning the house is out of the question.
Muslim Gangs in Germany Targeting Christians
The Muslim gangs that once targeted Germany’s tiny Jewish population are now taking aim at the country’s majority Christian population as well, writes Vijeta Uniyal for Legal Insurrection.
Republicans Tip Better Than Bleeding Heart Liberals
Liberals just talk about being generous to the working class.
DNC Hack: Research Puts Russia Narrative in Doubt
While Democrats and Trump’s critics continue to press the narrative of Russian hacking into the Democratic National Committee’s internal computer system, there is evidence that DNC files were removed in much more simple fashion — by USB drive.
How CNN Took on Trump and Lost
Daniel Greenfield: CNN president Jeff Zucker reinvented CNN and went to war with the President of the United States. But he hadn’t grasped that reporting on real people is different than asking reality show contestants to attack each other on camera in scripted segments. This time his reality show really was real. And he isn’t ready.
Study Reveals Why Republicans Have Better and More Sex
This study should be called, “Why you shouldn’t marry a Democrat.”
Mila Yiannopoulos’s Self-Published Book Soars to #1 on Amazon
One of the provocateur’s associates said, “Simon & Schuster has more leftist rules than Facebook and censored his book to hell, but Dangerous Books (his publishing company) is a free-speech platform.”…One month prior to the book’s publication date, his book is #1 on Amazon, having sailed past both Chelsea Clinton and Ben Sasse’s books