Nancy Pelosi has been elected as Speaker of The House and with the likelihood that Joe Biden will be installed into the White House, she is ready to exact her terrible revenge on Republicans….On Tuesday, Pelosi announced that anyone who refuses to submit to wearing a face diaper will be banned from speaking.
Publication: Trending Politics
Cancel Culture Claims Another Scalp as Cleveland Indians to Drop Nickname
The pollution of sports by toxic liberal politics may have already alienated millions of fans but it’s only getting started. Cleveland Indians said they will be doing away with their “offensive” nickname which they have had for over a century, a massive cave-in to social justice warrior pressure…
Hack Maddow Praises Heroic Journalists on Colbert Who Take on Trump
Maddow and Colbert aren’t “journalists,” but ventriloquist dummies for the leftists who support their hypotheticals and show based on nothing. Apparently, facts don’t matter to them and they don’t understand the basis for why this election has caused such deep rifts across the country.
Happy Ending for Boy Traumatized by “Woke” Liberal Santa
There are few things in life that liberals despise more than Christmas and they have devoted years to doing everything in their power to suck the joy out of the festive time for all who choose to celebrate it. One example of how these miserable wretches operate took place this week when a “woke” mall Santa traumatized a young boy who only wanted a Nerf gun for Christmas but was rejected, instead getting a lecture on the evils of firearms.
Fox’s Jeanine Pirro Goes Scorched Earth on “Reptile” Bill Barr
There is a Civil War brewing among Republicans, and especially those Republicans who say they support President Trump. One of the most vicious shots in the war came from Fox News host Jeanine Pirro who, on her show “Justice With Judge Jeanine,” shredded Attorney General Bill Barr who has been one of the president’s most ardent supporters.
Biden Calls for Americans to Wear Masks for 100 Days
Perhaps more disturbing is that Biden confirmed that he plans to keep Fauci, the flip-flopping, media-obsessed career bureaucrat who has become a demigod to the anti-Trump resistance…The only thing standing between Americans and the living hell that will be visited upon the nation by the three-headed monster of Biden-Harris-Fauci is the courts.
Sexist Jimmy Kimmel Says Fox’s Bartiromo “Auditioning” to Be Trump’s Next Wife
Amazing how the tolerant Left manages to take a woman who’s been a business anchor, correspondent, and host for over 25 years and reduce her to nothing more than “Trump’s next wife” because she conducted an unbiased interview. Imagine if a Fox News comedian said this about, say, Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris or a journalist like Dana Bash or Norah O’Donnell. The silence would be deafening.
Fauci Lays Guilt Trip on Americans Over Celebrating Thanksgiving with Elderly Relatives
Petty tyrants have never had it better than in this sad year when the mass hysteria whipped up by the media have allowed politicians to imbue themselves with dictatorial powers and career bureaucrats have been showered with attention. One of those bureaucrats is Dr. Fauci, a man who has been attached like a bloodsucking leech on the backs of taxpayers…
Kayleigh Suggests That Dem Thanksgiving Restrictions Are Un-American
Her remarks come at a time when the corrupt media is whipping up another wave of COVID mass hysteria to provide cover for the dastardly and cowardly acts of Democrat officials who have exploited the virus to conduct themselves in a manner befitting of third-world despots.
Obama Trashes Conservatives
Democrats claim they want “unity,” but every time they get the chance to speak to or about Trump supporters, they denigrate and smear them. The latest example comes from former President Barack Obama, who wrote in his new memoir that conservatives are intellectually inferior xenophobes.
Fauci Says Americans Should Still Be Forced to Wear Masks After Getting Vaccine
Americans who have been emotionally battered by overzealous Democrat politicians and their Constitution trampling response to COVID mass hysteria shouldn’t get too excited about the new vaccine. There will simply be no going back to the freedoms and way of life that they enjoyed only nine months ago for those who line up to be vaccinated and forced masking along with social distancing are here to stay.
Biden Names Coronavirus Task Force as Brazen Power Grab Continues
The Biden junta is moving with breathtaking speed to seize control of the government before the election has been certified and the courts being given an opportunity to weigh in on irregularities. As history has repeatedly shown, illicit seizures of power count on an aggressive push to use propaganda in order to gaslight the public into acceptance and the formation of a new regime before the targeted one can fight back.
Dem Governor Predicts Biden Will Have Americans Wearing Masks at Home
Governor Jay Inslee, who just won reelection in far-left Washington, is salivating over the prospect that a President Biden will strip Americans of their civil liberties and reduce them to fearful sheep who are so terrified of a flulike virus, that they will submit to wearing face masks indoors while at home.