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Is It Over?


By Cal Thomas: Washington politicians and the media ought to be examining the reasons behind voter anger and desire to move the country in a different direction. That’s what Trump is promising. It is the reason he won big in Iowa and may run the table in every other primary state.

Biden “Saves” Democracy by Destroying It


Any means necessary are justified to prevent the people from choosing their own president, given the fear that a majority might vote to elect Trump. Sometimes, the anti-democratic paranoia has been outsourced to state and local officials to erase Trump from the primary and likely general election ballots as well.

We’re Not Ready to Forgive Bud Light


By Kurt Schlichter: Paying $100 million to wrestling guys to hype your crappy brew is not making amends. Do you want to make amends? How about donating that $100 million to Alliance Defending Freedom? How about a chunk of change to some conservative content makers.

Do We Want Nikki Haley as Trump’s VP?


By Mark Lewis: Nikki Haley is anathema to me, and most conservatives. But if Haley can put Trump over the top, do we abandon principles for victory? Again, I refuse, even to save America. An America that would do that isn’t worth saving. I would rather lose and hold on to my virtue than win and dishonor myself and my God.

Biden’s Scary J6 Speech


Politically speaking, the purpose of the speech was clear. Given that Biden has among the lowest favorability numbers ever recorded for a sitting president, he cannot make the election about his achievements.

Trump Should Pick Nikki Haley for His Veep


By Kurt Schlichter:The thought of four years of that nattering nabob of nonsense – apologies to William Safire – is positively agonizing. But Donald Trump’s most important task is to get elected, and she would be the best choice to help him do it.

Claudine Gay and a World Without Standards


The funny thing about having low standards for hiring is whoever you hire based on them will have difficulty meeting them. When you lower the bar you inevitably end up with a candidate who needed the bar lowered, and someone like that will never exceed expectations.

2023 Sucked


If you thought 2022 was bad, 2023 kicked you in the groin while pouring sugar into your gas tank. The only way it could have gone worse is if Joe Biden suddenly because coherent.

Buy Your Kids Toy Guns This Christmas


By Kurt Schlichter: Boys must be exposed to toy guns at a young age. And toy firetrucks and race cars and airplanes and the rest of the actiony, adventury toys that begin to teach little boys to be big men. And for girls – and only girls, because only girls will ever be mothers – there are baby dolls as well. Play is play, sure, but play is also practice.

Liz Cheney for President?


A Cheney candidacy would be exclusively anti-Trump, as will Biden’s candidacy. Why give voters a choice in anti-Trump candidates? By siphoning off even a few anti-Trump votes, Cheney would probably help the former president.