By Kurt Schlichter: Jewish Democrat voters are going to need to make a choice, survival or the comfort of liberal illusions.
Publication: Townhall
Pssst…The President Is Totally Senile
By Kurt Schlichter: The evidence is increasingly clear that he’s a senile old pervert who showered with his daughter, as well as a neo-communist serial liar whose inability to tell the truth is matched only by his grubby corruption. Other than that, he’s fine.
The Kennedy Family Is Pretty Damn Gross and Still Biden Is Worse
Time will tell if a bunch of has-been and never-were Kennedys extolling the virtues of a senile pervert can be a difference-maker, or whether the candidate Kennedy, the leftist in the race able to string together a coherent sentence, will end up seizing the mantle of the future of the Democratic Party.
Hold Obama-Biden Foreign Policy Responsible for Iran’s Unprecedented Attack on Israel
Under the Obama-Biden foreign policy doctrine, an Iran so emboldened that it feels free to wage offensive war against Israel in such brazen fashion is not a bug — it’s a feature.
That “Civil War” Movie Is a Symptom of Hollywood’s Problems
By Kurt Schlichter: None of the major heroes is a straight, white male. You can make movies where the villains are straight, white males, and where none of the heroes are straight, white males, but it’s now a woke Hollywood cliche to make all the villains straight, white males.. Rural white guy? Definitely a villain. Black woman? Hero!
There’s Been More Violence and Turmoil Under Biden
In less than four years under Biden, we have witnessed the disastrous pull out from Afghanistan, the Russian attack on Ukraine, the Hamas attack on Israel, and now the unprecedented attack by Iran on Israel. During the four Trump years, there were, for practical purposes, no violent, aggressive international incidents.
Your Hard-Earned Dollars Shouldn’t Go to Leftist Media Outlets
Each year, more than $500 million of your tax dollars get funneled through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and into the bank account of National Public Radio, a far-left media outlet dedicated to tearing down America and the values you believe in.
Speaker Mike Johnson Is Israel’s Only Dependable Ally in Washington
While Biden and Schumer—the twin acolytes of appeasement in the months following the October slaughter of Israelis — try to placate “progressives” in the Democratic Party by undermining the Netanyahu’s prosecution of its war to eliminate Hamas, Speaker Johnson has been unwavering in his pro-Israel stance.
Time to Rethink Your Never Trumpism
By Kurt Schlichter: This column isn’t directed towards the professional Never Trumper dorks, the treacherous weirdos who make a living off of going on MSNBC and selling out their former allies. This is for the Republicans who have thought about it and have a real problem with Donald Trump.
The Reality of Migrant Crime
Illegal immigrants don’t have to be disproportionately criminal or violent as a group in order for Americans to feel extra, righteous disgust over violent crimes being committed by perps who have no right to be in the country — many of whom have amassed significant rap sheets before committing their most serious attacks.
The National Anthem Is More Important Than Any Other Game
Now that Kaepernick is no longer an active player, athletes at all levels, collegiate and professional, should return to paying respects to the country that has given them so much fame, fortune, and opportunity. Standing in attention for “The Star-Spangled Banner” is not a major sacrifice.
John Eastman and the Left’s War on the Legal Profession
Eastman was let go by the Benson Center for Western Civilization, where he was a visiting scholar. Armed Stasi — sorry, FBI — agents accosted him in a parking lot and seized his phone without a warrant. All this because John had the chutzpah to defend and zealously advocate for one’s client.
The White House Press Corp Hates Jews
This week, at a White House press briefing, the overt racism and hatred of Israel was so painfully obvious that even the Ayatollah thought they were piling it on a little too thick.
Bilingual Education Is a Scam
Major cities are recruiting bilingual education teachers as the children of migrants enroll in school. Bilingual ed will doom most of these kids to failure. All too often it’s an educational ghetto, producing dropouts who can’t speak English and face a lifetime of poverty.
Biden Made Easter Sunday a Transgender Holiday
We are no doubt living in a nation where Christianity is under fierce attack. And the reason why is that freedom of religion is our foundational freedom.
Jon Stewart, the Tribeca Trickster of Real Estate
Stewart clearly felt he could pompously mock Trump and no one would ever notice how he made out like a bandit on his real estate deal. The liberal elites didn’t care. Jon Stewart is always beyond suspicion. Comedians are their most honored spin soldiers.
A Terrorist Attack Is Coming to America
The odds of a massive terrorist attack on the United States are high, and the Left not only isn’t preparing for it, they would welcome it.
MSNBC Is Having a Collective Emotional Break
Holy crap. There has to be a Prozac shortage currently at NBC News headquarters.
Chuck Todd Is What’s Wrong with NBC News and Exactly What They Deserve
Chucky has no such qualms about Ginger Goebbels being hired by NBC News to host a show, not just appear occasionally. Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, born on 3rd base, negotiated her contract while still working in the Biden White House, then continued in that position for two more months before leaving to become a “journalist.”
America Is Going to Be Targeted for a Massive Terrorist Attack
By Kurt Schlichter: There will be a bloodbath here in America. It will dwarf what happened on 9/11, it’ll dwarf what happened in Israel, it will be Moscow times 1000, and you’re going to be caught in the middle of it. You have to make the decision to be ready for yourself.
Israel Is Now a Partisan Issue
The only party clamoring to save Hamas right now is the Democratic Party.
What the Hell Does Christine Blasey Ford Want?
Not this woman again. Also, who thought it best for Christine Blasey Ford to pen a memoir? She obviously can’t remember key details about her life because she’s full of crap.
A Truth and Reality “Bloodbath”
For Democrats to win in November, they have to use short, out of context clips and lie to convince voters that was explicitly is not somehow is. If Republicans want an electoral bloodbath in November, all they have to do is spend the next 8 months honestly telling the public what Democrats want to do…
Duty, Honor, Country
If we are to Live Free, well, we must embrace the three words, Duty, Honor, Country. These are the words we still embrace at the American Constitutional Rights Union’s Committee to Support and Defend. Furthermore, we must not allow those who see these words as meaningless to rule and lord over us.