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“Why Do I Still Read the New York Times?”


Samantha Sullivan: While I genuinely want to know what the other side of this political landscape is thinking, is writing, and is interested in, I genuinely can’t bear the one-sided coverage and the lies anymore, and I don’t want to aid the Times’ dishonesty with my dollars any longer.

“Women’s March” Dumps 3 Leaders After Anti-Semitic Scandal, But Their Replacements Might Be More Extreme


The anti-Trump “Women’s March” organization dumped three leaders who were thought too extremist, but their replacements might be just as bad. They were replaced with a 17 member board, some of which are already being exposed for their own anti-Semitic and extremist comments on social media. Among them is Zahra Billoo, who tweeted that she would not renounce jihad or sharia.

CNN’s Brian Stelter Has Shocking Reaction to Guest Who Claimed Trump Will Kill “Many Millions More” Than Hitler, and Others


Psychiatrist Allen Frances claimed on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday that President Donald Trump’s leadership will result in more deaths than the destructive actions of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. While Frances’ comments were shocking…even more stunning was the fact that show host Brian Stelter did not interject, question, push back, or fact check Frances.

Left-Wing Jewish Magazine Op-Ed Blasts Dems’ Silence in Face of Anti-Semitism from Omar and Tlaib


An op-ed for left-wing Jewish magazine, The Forward, declared that… the “silence” of Democratic Party in the wake of yet another act from Omar and Tlaib that exudes the odor of anti-Semitism. In her piece titled, “The Left Can No Longer Excuse Its Anti-Semitism,” Izabella Tabarovsky wrote that “when high-profile political figures themselves promote anti-Semitic content,” a strong response is “crucial” — but “so far none has materialized from the Democratic Party.”

Family of Couple Who Died Protecting Their Infant in El Paso Get Death Threats Over Trump Photo


What hasn’t caught much press was the fact that the family of the deceased, — that is, the direct immediately family of two of the victims of the mass killing, who are now the guardians of that baby who lives because his parents died — that family is now receiving threats. Those threats are not about their immigration status, or their ethnicity, but instead for their association with Trump, and for their participation in that photo.

Media Misrepresents Tweet to Link GOP Senator to El Paso Murderer, and CNN Spreads the Smear


Carlos Garcia: A social media meme was used to unfairly link a tweet from Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas to comments from the mass murderer in the El Paso, Texas, attack, and CNN helped spread the smear. The meme attempted to show how certain phrases and ideas found in the manifesto of the mass murderer could be sourced to Republican political and media figures.