Tammy Bruce: There are the important arguments about that pesky thing called the Constitution and the Second Amendment, but we also have real-life experience with the failure of banning an object instead of addressing the human condition, and what drives an individual to resort to such obscene and inhuman behavior.
Publication: The Washington Times
Donald Trump Is the Right Guy to Rein in the UN
Cheryl Chummy: PresidentTrump took the United Nations to task in recent remarks at the global body’s New York headquarters, telling those attending a special forum on “management, security and development” that the entity was in dire need of reform. It’s about time America snipped the U.N.’s wings.
Climate Change Activists Want Punishment for Skeptics
“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”
DACA Is Unconstitutional and Obama’s the Cruel One
Cheryl Chumley: The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, DACA, came into being on the wings of an unconstitutional act. That’s the core theme here — not that President Donald Trump is cruel, not that law-and-order Republicans are heartless, not even that poor innocent families may be torn apart and sent their separate ways.
Houston Heroes Remind Us to Reject the Left’s Bullies
Americans have been enduring for weeks media, the political class and their operatives malevolently insisting that all of America is hopelessly racist and its president a facilitator of white supremacists, so watching Texans helping their stricken neighbors has been a good reminder of who we, as Americans, really are.
Media Blames Charlottesville Riot on Trump
The media mob wasted no time in descending on Charlottesville, and the first order of business was to exploit the bigotry, tragedy and evil to make it the work of the Republicans, conservatives, and above all, Donald Trump.
Charlottesville Riots Show Media Manage to Make Situation Worse
It’s the “Obliterate History Neanderthals” versus the “I’m White and I’m Proud Brass Knuckle Draggers”…The only people dumber than the Neanderthals and Brass Knuckle Draggers are the insufferably tedious referees known as the Stupid Media who shape the country as a barking mad carnival, whipping up hysteria for every armed showdown.
The Trump Economy Shows Progress
Well finally we are getting that “Summer of recovery.” The July jobs report was a blockbuster — solid job gains across the economy, lowest unemployment rate in more than a decade, and a nice bump up in wages.
Finally, a Grown-Up Is in Charge at White House
Wesley Pruden: John Kelly looks like the best appointment President Trump has made since he named Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. Not just because he had Anthony Scaramucci escorted by security from the White House grounds to Pennsylvania Avenue, in a version of the familiar perp walk, after he was sacked as the White House communications chief.
“America First” Should Apply to Foreign Policy
Douglas Macgregor: Andrew Jackson observed, “One man with courage makes a majority.” President Donald Trump is demonstrating the truth of Jackson’s adage.
Princeton on the Prowl to Emasculate Men
Cheryl Chummy: Princeton University just announced a new position, the “Interpersonal Violence Clinician and Men’s Engagement Manager.” They’re seeking qualified candidates now. The best will be the man who most acts like a woman. Seriously.
Trump’s Attacks on Sessions Recusal Don’t Help Drain the Swamp
Placing the duty of office over personal loyalty is a sign of presidential leadership. Tawdry personal alliances and shady back-scratching among grifters is how you get an ungovernable leviathan federal government that stinks worse than a swamp at low tide in August.
Trump Facing Most Hostile Press Coverage in History
Harvard releases study to prove it.
Un-American Court Demands NC County to Quit Praying
Prayer is in our national DNA. And now the leftists at the American Civil Liberties Union have won an argument it’s not.
Trump Was Right: Millions on Non-Citizens Cast Votes in U.S. Election
As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House. The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration.
Trump and the Liberal Hate-Fest
Tammy Bruce: As Obamacare continues its collapse and terrorist attacks around the world are an almost daily event, New York’s elite remain rabidly enraged at Mr. Trump. Ironically, he’s the only person so new to the political scene to not have had a hand in any of the governmental schemes currently ruining people’s lives.
Mr. Comey’s Not Very Good Day
Wesley Pruden: “Mr. Comey’s big day was not a good day for fake news and anonymous sources. He confirmed the president’s assertion that the FBI director had in fact told him three times that he was not a target of the investigation.”
The Real Deniers About Climate Change
The Washington Times
Columnist Richard Rahn: “Are you willing to double your electrical bill — to European rates — to reduce global temperatures by two-tenths of 1 degree 100 years from now?”
A Hysterical, Crazed, Politically Correct Global Meltdown
Columnist Rebecca Hagelin: “When President Trump vacated the United States’ participation in the rotten Paris climate “deal” last week, the media and many international and even liberal state leaders seemed to spontaneously combust. You could almost see the steam rising, not from the seas but from their ears.”
Ramadan’s Here — Let the Killing Begin
It’s Ramadan, and for followers of Islam the world over, the monthlong celebration of their prophet’s unveiling of the Koran means fasting, spiritual introspection — and apparently, murder, mayhem and bloody attacks against infidels. That’s not polite to say, of course.