Wesley Pruden: Donald Trump crashed the party in Davos late Thursday and the world’s economic and cultural elite, and those worthies could only glumly concede that the biggest button, the biggest airplane and the biggest ego puts them and their airs in the shade.
Publication: The Washington Times
Hawaii’s False Alarm Shows Incompetence of Liberal Government
Tammy Bruce: Americans have not been told details about the individual who sent that alert…Considering we are dealing with a federal bureaucracy with liberals who collude and conspire in an effort to harm the president…we cannot dismiss the possibility that this supposed error was deliberate.
Donald Trump’s Immigration Principles Will Make Americans Safer: Jeff Sessions
Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Any crime committed by an alien — and especially an illegal alien — is, by definition, preventable. Even one victim of a crime committed by an illegal alien is too many. And yet thousands of Americans across our country have suffered terribly because of decades of lax immigration policies and enforcement.
Trump’s NFL SOBs May Be No-Shows at the Super Bowl
Ralph Hallow: Knee-takers are saying America still hasn’t given its black citizens their full due. To me, saying that is worse in a country that, over time, has given black Americans the rights they deserve — and then some. Think education and employment preferences and a general acceptance that it’s OK to resist arrest, even violently, and not fear getting shot.
Trump’s Point Is Well-Taken and the Rest is Dick Durbin’s Noise
Ralph Hallow: Most people simply think it’s neither the mission nor the obligation of the United States to educate people who can’t get anything that even passes for education in their countries of origin — or get even basic health care, sanitation and job opportunities.
The Golden Globes — Hollywood Takes a Break from “Raping Each Other”
Tammy Bruce: Most people did not watch the Golden Globes, one of the many parties in which the entertainment industry pats itself on the back and gives its friends awards. But, to paraphrase a few on Twitter, it was at least nice for Hollywood take a break from raping each other for at least one evening.
Democrats, a Party of Lies, Sex and Rape
Cheryl Chummy: In a contest of mental fitness that compares, say, a liar, a rapist and Trump, most sane-minded would choose Option Three, the president — a frequent tweeter who happens to have a bulldog approach to politicking. Democrats ought to look to their own camp to root out the nut jobs. There’s plenty there, it would seem, to keep the psychiatrists busy.
Who Made You a Witness for the Prosecution, Mr. Bannon?
Only a Never Trumper or a reflexive Trump-bashing Democrat is happy with the hellstorm that broke on Wednesday with the publication of excerpts from “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”
Cheering the Trump Tax Package Boon
Donald Lambro: This was the week when Republicans proved once again that they know how to tackle big issues and govern, passing the most significant tax overhaul in more than three decades.
Media Ignore Trump’s ISIS Success and Mocks Him
Tammy Bruce: Trump Derangement Syndrome has driven many reporters and so-called journalists to see what they want to see; and if a story that makes the president look bad doesn’t exist, they will make one up.
Christmas Is the “Holiday”
Rebecca Hagelin: Just as the Jewish people and so many gentiles missed the true Jesus at the time of his life on earth, America as a “Christian nation” misses Jesus today.
Big Media’s Sad and Extremely Horrible Week
Wesley Pruden: But sometimes the mistakes are not really mistakes, but failed attempts to get away with fudging the facts to make a point. The public, which is not as thick as some reporters imagine, notices when mistakes always seem to run to the left.
Mueller’s Mighty Tuna Shrinks to a Goldfish
Wesley Pruden: Robert Mueller may yet land the promised tuna if there’s actually one out there in the briny deep. So far he’s coming up with nothing but net. The Associated Press, which has never been accused of giving Republicans a break, called the arrest “lots of smoke, but no smoking gun.”
Tax Plan Is a Cut for Everyone
Stephen Moore: Whenever I’m asked whether the Trump tax cut is for the rich, I say yes. It is a tax cut for the rich. It is a tax cut for the middle class. It is a tax cut for small businesses.
Accepting Europe’s Anti-Immigration Parties
Daniel Pipes: They are defensive, focused on protecting Western civilization rather than on destroying it as Communists and Nazis dreamed to do, or on extending it, as the French government long attempted.
Agitprop That Sows Paranoia
Tammy Bruce: The arrogance of the legacy media doesn’t begin and end with biased coverage of existing events; it also involves stories meant to convince Americans of something about themselves and their neighbors which is ugly and untrue.
America on Fire As Love for God Cools
Cheryl Chummy: As a nation have moved away from God. We’ve turned aside His biblical teachings, mocked His value-based guidance, sneered His warnings and despised His commandments — and then, facing the consequences of the blinders we put on our eyes, wondered why our culture is rotten, our politics, defiled
Texas Massacre Rooted in Powerfully Dangerous Male Whiteness, Says Professor
Cheryl Chummy: So a madman with a lengthy history of mental instability and violence strolls into church in Texas and begins blasting away, killing 26 and injuring scores more, and a Drexel University professor finds the cause of the mayhem and madness was — “whiteness.”
Muslims to Soon Exceed Jews in US Population
By 2050, the Muslim population is projected to grow — from about 1 percent of the U.S. population to about 2.1 percent. If it does, that means America will be home to more Muslims than Jews. Just something to think about, post New York City terror attack — a terror attack that we now know was committed by a radicalized Muslim who professed allegiance to ISIS.
Mueller Investigation Still a Lot Ado About Nothing Much Yet
Wesley Pruden: The mountain labored, and brought forth a mouse. It’s a skinny little thing, not likely to frighten the most delicate milady. Robert Mueller is surely hard at work in his laboratory trying to breed a larger and more impressive creature.
Liberal Media Won’t Stop Going After Trump
Tammy Bruce: Reaching deep in their drawer of smug, CNN unleashed a “Facts First” initiative, starting with an ad featuring an apple. While a juvenile attempt to discredit President Trump’s complaints about the network’s shoddy news coverage, they manage only to remind us of why they’re in this fix in the first place.
Saving the Nation from the Left’s Bullies
Tammy Bruce: The Harvey Weinstein saga is but one symptom of a dangerous and destructive, yet smug and sanctimonious, liberal establishment. While they butcher American culture, civil society and history, how better to keep us normals from interfering than by blaming their victims for society’s ills?
Austrian Election a Thumb in the Eye of the Elites
But the new Austrian chancellor, 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz…has achieved something close to rock-star status. He….promised to get tough on runaway immigration, go easy on new taxes but to stay in Europe and “put Austria first.”
Sports and Politics Do Not Mix
Stephen Moore: Left-leaning journalists are ruining sports by weighing in on political protests instead of sticking to the game.