Gays want the larger culture to say that their “lifestyle” demands celebration by all. Dissenters must be broken on the wheel. Religious faith can be no excuse.
Publication: The Washington Times
Stick to Netflix, Barack, and Keep Up the Fiction, Bubba
Charles Hurt: Heading into midterm elections in which history predicts massive wins for them, the donkey party has a new slogan: “Vote Democrat. The Party of Doom and Gloom.”
Radio Host Says If You’re a Left-Winger, You Can Say What You Want
Radio host Clay Travis wondered why Mr. Olbermann continues to be employed by ESPN, which also is owned by Disney, despite his habit of going on profanity-laced Twitter tirades directed at Mr. Trump. Mr. Travis said Disney has treated “very similar speech dissimilarly based on whether or not it agrees with the content.”
The Mojo of Trumponomics
One of the key principles of Trumponomics is that faster economic growth can help solve a multitude of other social and economic problems — from poverty, to inner-city decline, to lowering the national debt. We’re not quite at a sustained elevated growth rate of 3 percent yet, but the latest economy snapshot tells us we are knocking on the door.
Truman Could Be a Model for Trump
It took a half-century for historians to concede that the feisty Truman had solid accomplishments, especially in foreign affairs. Even his vulgarity was eventually appreciated as integral to the image of “Give ‘Em Hell” Harry.
Why There’s a Crisis Across Newsrooms Today
Wesley Pruden: The real crisis in journalism is that so many reporters and their editors want to be part of the story. They’ve forgotten the who, what, why, when, where and how that were once required answers in every story. Now they sometimes confuse the story with commentary they just can’t stifle. Readers know it, and don’t like it.
Let’s Give California a Friendly “Adios”
Wesley Pruden: If California really wants to say goodbye, there’s a way close at hand. The federal government could extract all the military bases and the high technology from Silicon Valley and send it to Texas. The departing middle class is on its way there already, and California would be turned back to Mexico. Hasta la vista, amigos.
Hillary is the Energizer Bunny of Finger-Pointing
Cheryl Chumley: Without politics, without political power, what’s Clinton, anyway? Little more than a finger-pointer, apparently. And on that, sad to say, she’s running on endless energy.
Comey Really Is a Slimeball Says Almost Everybody
Wesley Pruden: Donald Trump called James Comey a “slimeball,” which is not a very presidential way to talk. But just this time we might have to forgive the president. James Comey really is a slimeball. Just about everybody says so.
The ACLU Used to Be a Staunch Defender of the First Amendment
Nowadays the ACLU is but a shadow of its former self, as it increasingly succumbs to the left’s latest siren songs.
Liberal Grasp at “News Deserts” to Explain Trump’s Win
Tammy Bruce: The poor legacy media. Donald Trump has been president for 15 months, and they’re still swathed in crazy sauce, desperately trying to prove that something went wrong…The new insults come from Politico with the all the drama of a “Special Report” breathlessly announcing that the lack of subscriptions to newspapers and the death of local news is why President Trump won.
Bolton Is a Good Match for President Trump
Wesley Pruden: If John Bolton frightens the nation’s enemies half as much as he frightens Chicken Little and all the Democrats at home, all the strife, evil and deceit in the world will soon be history.
The Green Wind Energy Industry Has Red Blood on Its Hands
Paul Driessen: Many wind turbines will be located on once-scenic, once-forested mountain ridges, since that is where the winds blow best and most often. The turbines will slice and dice migratory birds, raptors and bats by the tens of thousands every year. Those that aren’t yet threatened or endangered soon will be.
The Stormy Show Was All Flash and No Flesh
Wesley Pruden: The customers think every new Trump scandal will finally do him in, and every time it’s just another chapter of “the dogs bark, and the caravan moves on.” Presidential scandals just ain’t what they used to be.
Guns, Youth and Misguided Marches
David Keene: On Tuesday as Maryland’s officials were condemning the very idea that armed security should play a role in protecting students, an armed high school officer took down a student shooter…Those participating in the march against guns in Washington ought to spend a few minutes comparing what happened in Maryland with what happened in Florida.
In Defense of Betsy DeVos
Neal McCluskey: Mrs. DeVos was right to point out in her “60 Minutes” interview that research in Florida has found that the presence of private school-choice programs appears to drive public schools to improve, but she needed to know what to say when challenged on the effect of choice in Michigan.
Hollywood Attacks NRA While Using Guns for Movies, TV Violence
A study by the Parents Television Council shows that portrayals of gun violence on television have increased dramatically in recent years, even in shows deemed appropriate for children. The entertainment industry’s love of gunplay and hatred for firearms muddles, if not negates, Hollywood’s role in a constructive conversation on the Second Amendment.
Oscars Ratings Disaster Suggest Cultural Shift
For Hollywood, their rage at people who aren’t like them (conservatives, Trump supporters, Republicans, et al) has overcome any desire to return to their original mission — make movies that entertain and provide their audience with an escape from the strain of daily life.
Dick’s Egregious “If Even One Life Is Saved” Gun Control Lie
Cheryl Chumley: The corporate statement accompanying this announcement contained a disgusting line of thought that’s commonly used by the left as the lead-in to some sort of strangling piece of legislation. It’s one that goes like this: If only one life can be saved — fill in the blank.
Normalizing the Chaos in California
Tammy Bruce: Unchallenged liberalism leaves homelessness, drug needles and garbage in its wake.
How Republicans Can Win Big with Millennials
Millennials are perfectly positioned to vote for a free-market candidate. The numbers say it all. Sixty-seven percent of millennials desire to start their own business one day. Sixty-four percent prefer free markets over government redistribution of wealth. And, in the last election, millennials’ top priorities were jobs, safety and education.
Michelle Obama Finally Grateful at Portrait Unveiling
Normally, usually, most commonly and frequently, the Michelle Obama we all know and not-so-much love is the one who talked, in 2008, about never before her husband’s election being proud of her country — the one who characterized women who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton as having “voted against their own voice.” But at her portrait event, she was all hope and humbly.
Government Wastes, Loses Billions and Shrugs Off Losses
Tammy Bruce: President Trump has pledged to deal with waste and mismanagement. He’s no doubt realizing our problems are not symptoms of incompetence alone, but a reflection of a dangerous contempt for the people and the republic itself.
Why Liberals Root Against America
Stephen Moore: It’s one thing to root against Mr. Trump and his policies and tweets when you’re in the opposition party. But in watching their behavior and listening to their whining, it is hard not to believe that to bring Mr. Trump down, they are rooting against American workers, our safety, security and general prosperity.