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The Mojo of Trumponomics

The Washington Times

One of the key principles of Trumponomics is that faster economic growth can help solve a multitude of other social and economic problems — from poverty, to inner-city decline, to lowering the national debt. We’re not quite at a sustained elevated growth rate of 3 percent yet, but the latest economy snapshot tells us we are knocking on the door.

Liberal Grasp at “News Deserts” to Explain Trump’s Win

The Washington Times

Tammy Bruce: The poor legacy media. Donald Trump has been president for 15 months, and they’re still swathed in crazy sauce, desperately trying to prove that something went wrong…The new insults come from Politico with the all the drama of a “Special Report” breathlessly announcing that the lack of subscriptions to newspapers and the death of local news is why President Trump won.

Guns, Youth and Misguided Marches

The Washington TImes

David Keene:  On Tuesday as Maryland’s officials were condemning the very idea that armed security should play a role in protecting students, an armed high school officer took down a student shooter…Those participating in the march against guns in Washington ought to spend a few minutes comparing what happened in Maryland with what happened in Florida.

In Defense of Betsy DeVos

The Washington Times

Neal McCluskey:  Mrs. DeVos was right to point out in her “60 Minutes” interview that research in Florida has found that the presence of private school-choice programs appears to drive public schools to improve, but she needed to know what to say when challenged on the effect of choice in Michigan.

Michelle Obama Finally Grateful at Portrait Unveiling

The Washington Times

Normally, usually, most commonly and frequently, the Michelle Obama we all know and not-so-much love is the one who talked, in 2008, about never before her husband’s election being proud of her country — the one who characterized women who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton as having “voted against their own voice.” But at her portrait event, she was all hope and humbly.

Why Liberals Root Against America

The Washington Times

Stephen Moore: It’s one thing to root against Mr. Trump and his policies and tweets when you’re in the opposition party. But in watching their behavior and listening to their whining, it is hard not to believe that to bring Mr. Trump down, they are rooting against American workers, our safety, security and general prosperity.