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What’s Not to Like About Trump’s Policies?

The Washington Times

Cal Thomas: Retirees with their 401k accounts and other investments must be happy…Low unemployment figures for African Americans and Hispanics (President Trump claims they are the lowest in history “because of my policies,” even though black unemployment had been on a years-long downward trend when he assumed office) nonetheless have fueled a hiring boom.

How Trump Manipulates Putin

The Washington Times

The reality is that Trump, who is a results oriented businessperson and not a seasoned politician, was continuing a very tricky and personally costly negotiation. The goal of every president who has met with Russian leaders is to prevent war, limit aggression and ultimately improve relations.

Hillary and Harvey: How America Averted a Disaster

The Washington Times

A year and a half after the fact, we are seeing photographs of Hillary and Bill Clinton at a cozy dinner just weeks after her failed presidential campaign, with accused serial rapist Harvey Weinstein. Having powerful friends like the Clintons is a reminder of not only how someone as disgusting as Mr. Weinstein remained in power, but why people were afraid to act against him.

Europe Is Waking Up to the Threat

The Washington Times

Much of Europe was asleep, or in denial, when the Nazis took power and began rebuilding their military in violation of the Versailles Treaty that brought World War I to an end. Now, after years of virtually unlimited migration from predominately North African and other Muslim regions, some European nations are awakening to what this could mean for their countries and are responding, hoping it’s not too late.

A New Civil War Is Already Upon Us

The Washington Times

The once-serious political party known as “Democrats” has been hijacked by lawless lunatics who have been sowing discontent and fomenting violence for years now. Just ask all the families of police officers in America who have been executed over the past four or five years by militants inspired by the so-called “Black Lives Matter” movement.

Bigotry Returns to Virginia

The Washington Times

Cal Thomas: As a longtime resident of Virginia, I am well aware of its sordid history when it comes to slavery, racism and discrimination…What happened last week to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the Red Hen restaurant brought back memories of those unpleasant days, except in this case it wasn’t race, but ideology that led to Ms. Sanders and her party being expelled from the establishment.

Democrats Are in a Lather Over the Good News

The Washington Times

The immigrant children are safe, sleeping in clean bunks and eating better than most of them ever had in Central America. They’re getting American medical care and for most of them, the first appointment with a dentist in their lives.  Their “ordeal” is separation from their parents, and that’s always painful for a child. But they’re not at Auschwitz.