University knaves decided to remove portraits of General George Washington and General Robert E. Lee, the two great American generals for whom the university is named. Those portraits will be replaced with portraits of General Washington and General Lee — in civilian clothing.
Publication: The Washington Times
Trump Wades in Civil War
The press today is never dumber than when they report on politics. Except when they try tackling history. Especially American history. And most especially Civil War history.
Sons of America, Beware
If the men of America know they’re one single female accusation away from losing everything, they’re much more apt to go along to get along — to keep from making waves, rocking boats, stirring pots, however they can. Guilt? Innocence? Truth? Doesn’t matter.
The Democrats’ Case Against Kavanaugh Is Falling Apart Fast
First, let’s dispose of the tales of the two accusers of Brett Kavanaugh who came out after flaky California college professor Christine Blasey Ford claimed that the Supreme Court nominee sexually groped her 36 years ago when he was 17. This won’t take long.
Whatever Happened to the Old Dianne Feinstein?
Dianne Feinstein is not exactly the Wicked Witch of the West, though she is from the Left Coast and does a convincing imitation of Cruella de Vil, who tormented all those innocent puppies in “101 Dalmatians.” Mrs. Feinstein has not tormented puppies, so far as anyone knows, but she has tormented several of President Trump’s judicial nominees, particularly Brett Kavanaugh, which is almost as bad as being mean to puppies.
Republicans Cannot Let the Democrats Win on Kavanaugh
Democrats won’t just have won on Kavanaugh. They would have won on their overall goals for America — they’ll have achieved a great success in stripping the country of its limited government, law and order democratic-republican system. And that’s a debasement from which it will be tough, very tough to recover.
Ford Will Be Forgotten When Kavanaugh Hearings Conclude
Once the hearings are over Mrs. Ford will be forgotten and she can return to her couples therapy and continue to put her troubled marriage together. The judge should understand that there was noting personal in the Democratic destruction of his reputation, the humiliation of his wife and the breaking of the hearts of his two little girls.
Why This Woman Supports Kavanaugh’s Nomination
Rebecca Hagelin: The #MeToomovement has been critical to holding many scumbags accountable…It’s a wave that has swept the nation, and with it, undoubtedly has included some innocent people. I believe that Judge Kavanaugh is one of those people.
Kavanaugh Is Caught in the Crossfire of Cultural Change
Aggressive political manipulators smear him with unsubstantiated accusation that damages not only him but, as well, long-held traditions of justice and fair play.
Accusations Against Kavanaugh Linked to Groups Funded by Soros
Look at what’s going on with Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation proceedings for the Supreme Court, and the fingerprints of George Soros are all over it.
DC Swamp Still Reeling from Hurricane Donald
Only a monster like Donald Trump would dare politicize the weather. Or turn every natural disaster into a political cudgel in this manner. Oh, wait! Donald Trump did not do that. Democrats in Washington did that. Crazy News Network did that. The New York Slimes did that. The Washington Compost did that.
Bribing for Votes in Maine
Liberals seeking to sway Sen. Collins on her Kavanaugh vote stoop to likely illegal lows.
Taking a Knee Looks Like the Democratic Strategy
The Democrats appear to have given up on their long-anticipated “blue wave.” This was the wave of sound and fury that was to sweep out everything before it. The wave, alas, is still on the far horizon, if that’s not merely a mirage of whine and wail, and the Democrats are left with only manufactured hysteria.
Obama Reminds Voters Why They Backed Trump
Pompous, insufferable, self-enthralled, cliched and uninspiring, he picked up right where he left off. Reliving his eight-year campaign that cost over 1,000 Democrat politicians their seats, Mr. Obama put on his psychiatrist cap and declared our current politics mentally unwell.
Tall Tales Spin and the Plot Thickens
Impeachment is too slow. Assassination is too messy. A coup d’etat sounds just about right, and it sounds French besides. Come, let us plot together.
When Funerals Become Politics
Using funerals for political purposes has a long, but not distinguished, tradition.
The Democratic Pursuit of the Unholy Dream
The Democrats and their mainstream media allies promise to make the impeachment of Donald Trump the first order of business if they take back the House of Representatives in November. If they win the votes to do it, they’ll be entitled, whether it’s a shameful enterprise or not.
Meet Scott Wallace, the Democrat Who Leads the Anti-Human Party
Given the Democratic Party’s jubilant enthusiasm for abortion, widespread abhorrence of law enforcement officers, and general hatred of all human freedom, voters could be forgiven these days for thinking that maybe Democrats just don’t really like human beings all that much.
Omarosa Tries to Channel Anita Hill
Where have we seen this play before: A woman comes forward to accuse a conservative of inappropriate behavior in hopes of harming him sufficiently so he will be unable to achieve his policy objectives?
Ocasio-Cortez Is Crashing and Burning Fast
Until just weeks ago, Hillary Clinton was the face of the Democratic Party. But all that’s changed. The new face of the Democratic Party is a 28-year-old former bartender.
Omarosa’s Sad and Ineffective Political Piroutte
Her win rests entirely on drumming up public hatred for the president. How much is truth and how much is fiction is for the American public, the audience, to decide. But so far, Omarosa’s down in the count.
Facebook Equal to Soviet Union’s Pravda
So, apparently, Facebook has morphed from a social media giant into a major news gathering and publishing house. First order of business: Shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Rashida Tiaib, Michigan’s Muslim in the House, Is a Crown Jewel of Anti-Trumpism
Rashida Tlaib is poised to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress. She’s also massively anti-Trump, and that — combined with her gender, her religious beliefs and her progressive leanings — makes her the new darling of the Democratic Party, the new speed dial on mainstream media’s approved list of political pundits.
Creative Writing About Trump’s Troubles
The latest work of literary art decorated the front page of The Washington Post, another certainty that the jig is just about up. This time The Post means it. The president has expressed to his confidants, we’re told, lingering unease about how some in his orbit, including his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., are “ensnared in the Russia probe.”