The truth is, Pelosi, Schumer and the crazy leftist Democrats are the ones shutting down the government, to keep it from securing the border. And they are using federal workers as human shields in this indefensible iniquity. During his winning address from the Oval Office, Mr. Trump batted away hysterical claims that securing the border is somehow “immoral.”
Publication: The Washington Times
Even When the Leftists Win, They Embrace Hate
Just look at the Democrats when they win. They’re just as angry and hateful and vicious as when they lose. It’s obvious: They’re after something more than the normal campaign spoils of legislative and policy change.
A Lot of Noise Before the Storm
Thursday was a strange day in Washington. There was the changing, not of the guard but of half of the Congress, and Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats acted as if she were Franklin D. Roosevelt (in drag) and it was 1932 and “happy days are here again.”
2018 Was a Successful Year for Most Americans
In December, the United States reached a staggering level of oil production, pumping some 11.6 million barrels per day. For the first time since 1973, America is now the world’s largest oil producer. Since Trump took office, the United States has increased its oil production by nearly 3 million barrels per day, largely as the result of fewer regulations, more federal leasing, and the continuing brilliance of American frackers and horizontal drillers.
The Train Wreck Called “The Women’s March”
The Women’s March, which still has a national and some local marches and rallies planned on Jan. 19, has become about identity politics, the antithesis of advancing women’s rights, and the impact is finally being felt.
Melania Rises Above Democratic Pettiness and Represents America’s “Better Angels”
Despite the efforts of a miserable American media and liberal establishment to malign her, first lady Melania Trump continues on with work that endears her to the American public. Her agenda as first lady is expansive, focusing on children and the importance of all aspects of their lives, from self-esteem to education to health care.
A Week of Embarrassing Media Failures After “Person of the Year” Accolades
Just one week after being named Time magazine’s “Persons of the Year,” a series of embarrassing missteps focus on the all-too fallible media industry and how their political biases color what they regard as truth.
When It Comes to the Border, Beto Doubles Down on Dumb
Just when you think politics cannot get any stupider in this country, in skateboards Robert Francis O’Rourke. That would be the same Robert Francis O’Rourke of privileged upbringing and expensive boarding school pedigree who today goes by “Beto” because it sounds Hispanic now that he has decided to get into electoral politics.
Build a Wall on Mexico’s Southern Border
It’s fairly easy to cross unimpeded from Guatemala into Mexico. A decade ago, the Mexican government estimated that about 400,000 people were doing so illegally each year.
How Trump Can Beat the Deep-State Coup
When Donald Trump glided down the golden escalator in June 2015 to announce he was running for president, little did he know that he was about to become the most hunted political figure in recent history. He soon discovered, however, that that escalator ride delivered him right into the waiting maw of the establishment beast.
Media’s Love for George H.W. Bush More About Hatred of Trump
It has been nothing short of miraculous in this new season of Advent to hear all the Hosannas and applause for our recently departed former President George H.W. Bush.
Hysteria Spreads in the Media Like a Fog of Gas
Nowhere is the dishonesty of the mainstream media’s portrayal of President Trump better illustrated than its almost universal condemnation of his administration’s use of tear gas to repel illegal immigrants…As it turned out, the Obama administration used tear gas not once as under Mr. Trump but 79 times to repel illegal immigrants.
Obama Administration Used Tear Gas at Border Once a Month
The same tear-gas agent that the Trump administration is taking heat for deploying against a border mob this weekend is actually used fairly frequently — including more than once a month during the later years of President Barack Obama’s administration, according to Homeland Security data.
Only a Public Hanging for Senator Hyde-Smith Will Do
When you’re losing an election and you’re not sure there’s anything you can do about it, the modern Democrats have a sure-fire strategy: Cry “racist!!” (with not one but at least two exclamation points), and count on the illiterates in the media to do the rest. It works nearly every time.
Jonestown and the Jane Fonda Crowd
The Rev. Jim Jones was a manipulator of famous leftist celebrities. Jane Fonda and her husband Tom Hayden signed a letter praising Jones‘ church, the Peoples Temple, for its splendid acts of humanitarianism, its profession of a higher ethics and its utter innocence of any crimes alleged against it, for instance, rape, pederasty, drug abuse, and on and on.
Here’s Why Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Is Wrong
Socialists are the enemy of America, the antithesis of the American dream, the bold-face opposers to all that the Founding Fathers represented — to all that patriots over the long, sometimes bloody decades have fought to preserve.
No Blue Wave, But a Tsunami of Hate
Brigitte Gabriel: While the radical left seems preoccupied with labeling everyone that disagrees with their political views as white supremacist Nazis, including Israel-loving Middle Eastern women such as myself, threatening displays like this seem awfully similar to the days of the KKK burning crosses on the lawns of blacks they wanted to leave town.
Michelle Obama Still Hating After All These Years
With the Obamas, it was, and apparently is, always personal first, country second. With this White House, however, it’s all country first. It’s all “America First.” And no book, not even one by the former first lady, can make voters forget that.
Doesn’t Anyone Here Respect Us Journalists?
Donald Trump tried to teach a couple of White House reporters a little needed manners this week and you might have thought he had repealed the First Amendment. Several of the snowflakes, who make their living by posing embarrassing when not rude questions to nearly everyone they talk to, took to the fainting couches in the White House press lounge after the president returned shot for shell.
So Long to the End of the Beginning
If the Democrats take the House, they risk letting loose the dogs of war, so great is that hatred, and these dogs might be rabid, capable of inflicting only ruin over the next two years. Think Maxine Waters, wing man for Robert Mueller, turned loose with a clutch of subpoenas to lead a futile impeachment of the president. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
The Democrats’ Never-Ending Meltdown
The obviously new narrative from the Democratic Party and their enablers is the insane insistence that President Donald Trump is responsible for the horrible Pittsburgh synagogue massacre and is a dangerous and horrific artifact of desperate people who seek to use every human crisis as a political opportunity.
Migrant Caravan Coverage Is Not Accurate or Complete
Any average American watching this enormous undertaking would naturally be curious as to how the entire thing is being managed and how it originated. Thousands of people don’t spontaneously decide to leave their homes and walk thousands of miles, violating multiple international borders, without some help. We are all curious about this part of the story; why aren’t the reporters?
Migrant Caravans Are the Latest Liberal Distraction
It’s amazing how wrong the Democrats have always been, not just about the issues, but about our country and its people. Without the constant protection of a limited, compliant media, the malevolence of the organized left in this country has become starkly clear.
Trump’s Numbers Suck Wind from Anti-GOP Polls
It’s good news Trump’s numbers are soaring with the people, because it underscores what his base already knows: that this White House, despite the left’s attempt to slander it as ineffective and hated, is winning, winning, winning on the fronts that matter most to the people.