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Elizabeth Warren’s Worst Lie

The Washington Times

On August 9, Sen. Warren tweeted: “5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times. I stand with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael…” This is many times more egregious than the lie that earned her the “Pocahontas” sobriquet by President Trump.

Newspapers Need to Restore Trust with Public….and Stop Whining

The Washington Times

It’s not just Donald Trump who sees a lot what he reads as fake news. The golden age of paper and ink may be beyond the ability of publishers to summon it back to our times, and rebuilding trust by telling it like it is, is something a lot of publishers — and their editors — are not eager to do. A.G. Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times which was once the gold standard for “all the news that’s fit to print,” insists that it’s all Mr. Trump’s fault. 

Delusional Pelosi Lashes Out at Trump — Again

The Washington Times

With an eye twitch and a brain spasm, Mrs. Pelosi accused the president of throwing a “temper tantrum” during a meeting with Democrats. She urged Mr. Trump’s family and the members of his administration to stage an “intervention.” This, after two years in which it was Mrs. Pelosi and her team of fraud dogs who have been living an extravagant fantasy in which Mr. Trump is accused of colluding with the Russian government to steal the 2016 election.

In Defense of Kate Smith

The Washington Times

The long arm of the PC police has reached back to the ‘30s and arrested, prosecuted and sentenced the late singer Kate Smith. Smith, who popularized Irving Berlin’s song “God Bless America” and was a female pioneer in early television, recorded songs that today in hindsight are viewed as racist.

List of Trusted News Sources Shrinks in Post-Mueller Report World

The Washington Times

No publications deserve more contempt and ridicule than The New York Times and The Washington Post. Both were once serious newspapers dedicated to ferreting out the truth and holding accountable those in power…Both newspapers are now entirely dedicated to blindly advancing a crazy political agenda and, we now know, are more than willing to lie and shade to push their twisted information on readers.

The Real Sins of Roger Stone

The Washington Times

It is fine to be a liar in Washington. Or a tax cheat. You just can’t be a liar or a tax cheat AND be a supporter of President Trump. If you are, you can expect to be rousted from your bed in the middle of the night by dozens of commandos in riot gear carrying loaded assault rifles with CNN filming the whole thing.