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Anti-Trump Fever Takes Threatening Turn

The Washington Examiner

Byron York: The toxicity of the resistance to President Trump has risen in recent days, with the nation’s most respected newspapers publishing rationalizations for denying Trump supporters public accommodation and for doxxing career federal employees, while a journalist found himself under physical attack from the so-called anti-fascist group Antifa…

Biden Once Voted to Restore Citizenship to Confederate President Jefferson Davis

The Washington Examiner

The former vice president, 76, was a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee that unanimously approved a bill in 1977. The measure was sent to the full Senate, where it was approved without dissent and later signed into law by President Jimmy Carter. A year earlier, Biden had been among senators who voted to restore citizenship to Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general.

Democrats Don’t Want to Investigate the Investigators. They Must Have Something to Hide

The Washington Examiner

The conclusion of Mueller’s investigation left Democrats empty-handed, and so now Trump has given his attorney general the authority to investigate and declassify material that could explain to the public how all of this happened…Sounds reasonable, unless you’re listening to the media and Democrats who very apparently want something to remain hidden.

Dems Ditch Duties to Bash Barr

The Washington Examiner

Senate Democrats, whose collusion narrative has been exposed as delusional by special counsel Robert Mueller, spent Wednesday trying to inflict pain on William Barr, laughably accusing him of a “cover-up.” They were incanting from a script cobbled together from a sloppy or tendentious reading of a Washington Post article, the timing of which appears calculated to reinforce the Democrats’ relentless campaign against Trump.