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Media Drops the Ball on Trump Stories

The National Review

Rich Lowry: The media’s errors over the past week haven’t been marginal or coincidental, but involved blockbuster reports on one of the most dominating stories of the past year, Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. They all slanted one way — namely, toward lurid conclusions about the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with the Russians.

Leftist Hypocrisy and the War on Women

The National Review

The same Democrats who have bellowed for years about the Republican party’s “war on women,” who never waste an opportunity to lash out at the pro-life movement for being “anti-woman,” and who propelled Barack Obama to his second term….have dropped their weapons and retreated now that members of their own ranks are being implicated in a real war on women: the scourge of sexual assault.

Terry Richardson, Celeb Photographer, Had Many Enablers, Obama Included

The National Review

Count yourself blessed if you’ve never been exposed to “Uncle Terry’s” stomach-turning pictures of women simulating oral sex with bananas and cow teats; models urinating in snow; a college intern (now his wife and the mother of twin boys) inside a trash can wearing a diamond “SLUT” tiara while fellating Richardson; or his countless self-portraits standing naked, erect…

The Glass House That Is the NFL

The National Review

Multimillionaire young players, mostly in their 20s, often cannot quite explain why they have become so furious at emblems of the country in which they are doing so well…Are they mad at supposedly inordinate police brutality toward black citizens, or racial disparity caused by bias, or the perceived vulgarity of President Donald Trump?

Has-Been Hillary

The National Review

Hillary Rodham Clinton isn’t merely in a state of denial. She has become Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense. Politically speaking, she is dead, but she doesn’t know it. Her staffers are so many Haley Joel Osments — too kind (and too attached to their salaries) to tell her that her career is over.