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Trump Has an Opening on Immigration

The National Review

If he can make it clear that he wants to deal with migrants at the border decently but firmly and that his opposition favors rules effectively mandating catch-and-release, he’ll be in the stronger political position, again. On immigration, his advantage is the one thing that the public knows about him.

Trump Has Strengthened US Democracy

The National Review

Conrad Black: The country was in stasis after 20 years of chronic misgovernment: debt-ridden, economically flat-lined on a per capita basis, ineffectual in the world after a horrible economic debacle, the generation of chaos in the Middle East, and an immense humanitarian refugee crisis, all thanks chiefly to legislative and executive blunders in Washington by both parties.

The Child-Soldiers of the Gun Control War

The National Review

Quite a few advocates of gun control, including many who claim the mantle of “objective” journalism, have taken the view that these kids cannot be criticized. Apparently, it’s fine to push kids suffering from post-traumatic stress…in front of cameras in order to drive public policy, but it’s an affront to decency to disagree with what they say or question the practice of using victims this way.


Why the Cult of Trump Has Taken Hold

The National Review

Jonah Goldberg: Never before in modern American history have we had a president so transparently demanding not just loyalty but praise from his subordinates and political allies. He considers criticism of his behavior a greater offense than voting against his agenda — and so do his most ardent supporters.