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We Got Out of the WHO Just in Time

The WHO’s “pandemic accord” is scheduled to be finalized by May 2025, and the drafts of that agreement that we have seen so far are extremely alarming. Can you imagine what the WHO will do during the next global pandemic if it possesses much more power and much more authority than it did during the last global pandemic?

What Do We Know About Election Day?

In recent years, as we all know, voting results are not fully known on Election Day, which has effectively opened the doors to all sorts of election interference; vote tampering; and election fraud. Delaying Election Day results now imperils our nation.

A Growing Nightmare for America Is the Loss of Culture and Way of Life

We now endure a growing Islamic Caliphate in Detroit, Michigan, where Sharia Law dominates those 300,000 foreign-born Muslims. Who, by the way, live on our welfare systems with no incentive to work or support America. We’ve got ISIS terrorists proudly burning America’s flag at Columbia University,  Harvard and many more.

Doritos Hires Controversial Transgender Influencer

The Lid

The maker of Doritos snack chips has hired Samantha Hudson, a transgender influencer, as a “chip ambassador.” Hudson has mocked children who are victims of rape, has admitted to fantasizing about pedophile, and has advocated for the destruction of the traditional family unit.

The Leftist Award Machine

The Lid

A variety of other honors and distinctions routinely go to those on the Left while ignoring those on the Right. The Pulitzer Prize, for example, routinely rewards those on the Left.

20% of Dems Support Hamas Terrorists

The Lid

A new poll by I&I/TIPP might seem shocking to regular Americans since it shows that one in five Democrats support Hamas terrorists in Gaza. But anyone paying attention really would not be surprised that Democrats endorse terrorism.