In a debate with Alan Dershowitz last month, he claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci invested $500 million in the vaccine that is not safe by any means and Fauci owns half the patent so he’s due to make millions.
Publication: The Gateway Pundit
Every NBA Millionaire Knelt for the National Anthem at Season Opener
They are millionaires who hate their country. Some held up the black power fist. But every single hockey player stood for the anthem at the opener.
Trump Suggests Delaying Election Until Americans Can Vote in Person
The Democrat Party is pushing mail-in voting knowing it is easier to cheat that way.
For them power is everything. On Thursday President Trump suggested in a tweet that the November 3 election be postponed until Americans can vote in person.
The Silent Majority: Trump Supporters Hold Huge Boat Parade in Hudson River Near Statue of Liberty
Dozens of boaters took to Manhattan’s Hudson River on Sunday to show their support for President Trump. This is what the silent majority looks like. Where is the Biden boat parade?
College Dems, Satanists and Witches Team Up to Shut Down Young Conservatives
The University of North Texas College Democrats are allying with satanists and witches to try and shut down the school’s Young Conservatives of Texas chapter. The UNT College Democrats teamed up with the GLAAD Alliance and MUEVE, a liberal “latinx” org, on a petition to remove the conservative organization from campus.
It Was Only a Matter of Time: Angry DC BLM Protestors March Chanting Blood Libel Against Jews
And this group is getting millions and full support from US corporations?
Tulsa Arena Management Sabotaged Trump Rally Attendance
BOK Center temperature screeners were pulled off the job hours early, thereby making it impossible for rally attendees to get the green wristbands needed to advance to the Secret Service metal detectors for entry into the arena and the overflow stage area for the Trump and Pence speeches, and that cleared attendees were only allowed inside the arena in groups of one hundred at a time.
Whites Paint Whip Marks on Their Backs to Win Favor from Blacks
White Allies dressed as slaves complete with whip marks on their backs at a protest Monday in Charleston, South Carolina. The white allies carried “Cracker for sale” signs hoping to impress the BLM mob. This is the insanity of the left.
Authorities Investigating Whether Wendy’s Arsonist Is Also Girlfriend of Rayshard Brooks
A week ago on Saturday night protesters torched the Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta following the death of Rayshard Brooks. One video that went viral online shows a white girl and ally of Black Lives Matter torching the Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta…Now authorities are investigating whether the arsonist is linked to Rayshard Brooks.
Atlanta Police Were Patient and Respectful with Rayshard Brooks
It appears the police did everything in their power to keep calm and control the situation. It’s when Brooks became violent, beat the police, and then fired the taser at police that he ended up dead.
General Milley Stands with the Mob by Saying “I Should Have Never Been There”
General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff addressed graduates at the National Defense University on Thursday morning. Milley apologized for joining President Trump and walking over to St. John’s Church the day after it was torched by violent leftist protesters. This guy should be fired today. What a clown.
And Just Like That, the Cure for Covid-19 Was Unveiled
Massive riots, looting, destruction in the millions and wholesale persecution of the police…For months the American people were told to shelter in place and wear masks and keep their children from school, all precautions to prevent the spread of the China coronavirus.
Thousands of Whites Grovel in Front of Blacks Begging for Forgiveness
Thousands of white people were groveling in front of blacks begging for forgiveness at the Connie Morella Library in Bethesda, Maryland on Tuesday. The crowd of mostly white people raised their hands and repeated ‘anti-racist’ slogans like a bunch of zombies during the outdoor reeducation camp.
Insanity: CDC Announces New Rules for Summer Camp
The mortality rate for children under 20 is somewhere near 0.001%. So the new rules make absolutely no sense.
Video Surfaces of Joe Scarborough Joking About Having Affair with Intern and Having to Kill Her
During an appearance on Imus in the Morning in 2003, the host and Scarborough joked about having an affair with his intern and having to kill her. The audio had seemingly been scrubbed from the internet, but a record of it was found on
The Insanity Continues: California State Universities Cancel Fall 2020 Classes
California has one of the lowest mortality rate to population ratios in the US at 73 per million, compared to New York’s 1,397 per million as of today. Despite this, the radical, uninformed and uneducated California school system believes that they should continue with the current radical policies that prevent human engagement and limit commerce.
Crazed Dr. Fauci Says Sports Will Not Happen This Year. Maniac Will Bankrupt America If He’s Not Stopped
Dr. Anthony Fauci has already destroyed over 30 million US jobs in six weeks! And he managed to do this with the help of the liberal media by pushing flawed model after flawed model. Now Fauci is targeting the sports world and the billions of dollars generated by sporting events.
Fauci Says Coronavirus Will Return in the Fall. The Good News Is That He’s Wrong About Most Everything
So the economy is in tatters, tens of millions are out of work, thousands of businesses are closing and now the architect of this madness says “it’s inevitable” that the coronavirus will return next fall.
RFK Jr Claims Fauci and Gates Foundation Will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine
Bobby Kennedy Jr., the son of the late former US Attorney General and the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, is warning the world of the perils of vaccinations. He claims the push for more vaccines is all about the money.
Tyrannical NJ Governor Phil Murphy Bans Annual Drive Through Tulip Farm
Owner Casey Jansen said he invested $1 million in planting all the bulbs in the fall. But the governor threatened to arrest Jansen if one car drives through his farm for the annual attraction! This is tyranny — plain and simple.
Fauci Admits That He and Dr. Birx Were the 2 Experts Who Gave Trump Their Garbage Predictions
Dr. Fauci admitted on Monday that it was he and Dr. Birx who persuaded President Trump to kill the economy. And they did this with wildly inaccurate models and predictions! Last week Trump admitted that back in March “two very smart people” came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die. But Trump did not disclose their identities.
Total U.S. Deaths in March 2020 Are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior 4 Years
After shutting down the government and killing the greatest economy in the world due to deathly estimates from specialists on the coronavirus, the data is showing that this may be one great big mistake or hoax.
Dangerous Dr. Fauci Pushes for Nationwide Stay-at-Home Order
Americans have already lost their right to assemble, to practice religion, to travel outside of their home in several states. The tech giants are censoring unapproved speech. The US economy is imploding and this guy wants a stay-at-home order?
Cuomo Rejected Buying 16,000 Ventilators in 2015
The citizens of New York will pay the price for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s 2015 decision to not fix a shortfall and buy the recommended 16,000 ventilators to shore up the state’s stockpile in case of a pandemic. Cuomo spent more money than the cost of the ventilators on a solar panel boondoggle.