No longer satisfied with directing their hate and violence toward Trump or police, the radical leftists are once again setting their sights on FOX News personality Tomi Lahren. Why? Because she asked if Foot Locker was safe and pondered if anything else would be stolen in George Floyd’s name.
Publication: The Gateway Pundit
Study Concludes That Facemasks Are Ineffective Blocking Covid Transmission
A recent Stanford study released by the NCBI, which is under the National Institutes of Health, showed that masks do absolutely nothing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and their use is even harmful.
Annual White House Correspondents Dinner for Leftist Hacks Is Cancelled
No God-loving American is going to miss this nasty self-congratulatory celebration by the fake news elites. These evil people who push liberal lies all day long while ignoring the destruction of America, get together each year to pat each other on the back. They think they are smart and intelligent and end up showing the world how dumb and disgusting they really are.
Cop-Hating Leftist Tishaura Jones Wins St. Louis Mayoral Race
The murder rate in St. Louis City hit a 50-year high in 2020. Tishaura Jones said the city’s brightest days are “ahead of us and not behind us.” That’s doubtful.
Questions Raised About Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson Regarding Apartment He Shared with Prostitutes
Lincoln Project co-founder and pedophile protector Rick Wilson spent years hyping the Russia Hoax nonsense against Trump, including the now-debunked smear that he spent the night with prostitutes in Moscow. As it turns out, Wilson is the one familiar with Russian hookers. In recently unearthed tweets Wilson directed at his longtime pal Pete Snyder — who is currently running for governor of that state – Wilson mentions an apartment he shared with Snyder and “Russian hookers.”
200,000 Votes Hijacked from Trump to Biden in Georgia at Precinct Level
The Democrats implemented emergency measures in Atlanta, making up a water main break story in an effort to vacate the State Farm Center where absentee ballots were being counted. Once alone, a few individuals stuck around and pulled suitcases full of ballots out from under a table and added thousands of ballots for Joe Biden to the system. Eventually the election was stolen for Biden in Georgia by 10,000 votes.
Mike Flynn to Hold First Interview Since Pardon Thursday with Lou Dobbs
General Flynn was gagged from speaking out after he was set up by the deep state and charged with bogus crimes. The DOJ later dropped all charges against the good general but only after his life was turned upside down and his family lost millions. See him today on Fox Business News 7 pm ET.
This Election Is Far From Over
When taking an honest look at the current status of the 2020 Electoral College map, President Trump is leading Joe Biden with many states still being counted, or already in recounts. When taking this into consideration, President Trump is winning.
Michigan County Discovered Omitting Votes for Trump
In the most divisive, contested, Presidential election in American history, the public is being told of voter irregularities happening in Detroit. But even in supposedly safe Republican areas, votes for President Trump are appearing to be suppressed, with an alleged 600 discovered today in just one Michigan precinct.
Elected Dem Officials in Pennsylvania Reportedly Planning to Vote for Trump
You may know there are many Democrats in Pennsylvania who are voting for Trump this year. But would you be surprised to learn there are even elected, Democrat officials in the state who are planning to vote for Trump?
Kamala Endorses Communism 2 Days Out from Election Day
Kamala Harris on Sunday endorsed Communism, “Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place,” she said. Translation: “Equitable treatment means you all end up a pile of skulls.”
Hunter Biden’s Russian Blackmail Photos in Hollywood Uncovered
in October 2018 on Devlin Drive West Hollywood, Hunter spent a night in a luxurious property with some “friends” who it turns out were Russians. …The problem with this vacation was that multiple compromising pictures were taken of him by some of these ‘friends’”and the acts were captured on the CCTV cameras. One such picture shows Hunter in what appears to be an orgy, in others he models naked.
Trump’s Approval with Blacks Soars 46% After Debate Win Over “Predator” Biden
After 50 years of absolute Democrat corruption and destruction the black community is looking for change.
And it’s not going to be with Joe “You Ain’t Black” Biden.
We Stand with Trump. We Cherish Law and Order, and the American Dream
We sat back and watched Obama give billions to Iran without Congressional or American support and lie about it. We saw Obama fill the courts with radical anti-American judges. We saw the FBI allow the Democrat Presidential candidate get away with obvious crimes and lies and obstruction of justice. Americans wanted change. We wanted justice. We wanted our rights protected.
San Diego Cathedral Vandalized with BLM, Swastika and Biden 2020 Graffiti
The demons assaulted another Catholic Church over the weekend. The St. Peter Chaldean Catholic Church in El Cajon was vandalized…There is an epidemic of vandalism by deranged leftists targeting churches across the US this year.
Dem Officials in Massachusetts Destroy Over 1 Million Ballots from Senate Primary
Former US Senate candidate Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email, accused Massachusetts officials of illegally destroying over 1 million ballots in a US Senate primary race. This is election fraud. In fact a Massachusetts Elections Attorney confirmed to Dr. Shiva that ballot images, used for counting votes, that must be saved by FEDERAL LAW for 22 months are nowhere to be found.
It Should Be Obvious By Now That Fauci Is Insane
The quack doctor says anonymous sex is OK but no movies until a year after vaccine…Dr. Fauci has been wrong on the coronavirus pandemic almost every step of the way!
New Woodward Book Reveals General Mattis Discussed Military Coup Against Trump
On Wednesday it was reported that General Mad Dog Mattis discussed a likely coup with fellow government officials back when he was working for President Trump…Of course this is sedition – the overthrow of the Trump Administration.
Covid-19 Is Fizzling Out Across the U.S., Just Like Other Countries
The Worldometer website recorded only 286 deaths yesterday due to COVID-19…Based on prior reports we know that the number of new cases is fizzling out but is hidden because we are testing more, way more people than in March. If we were testing at the same level as in March, the number of new cases would be minuscule
Is Biden Jacked Up on Amphetamines?
Something is going on with Joe Biden. We can all see it. President Trump sees it too which is why he is calling for drug tests before the 2020 Presidential debates. One retired pharma professional said, “Amphetamines and now substituted amphetamines were prescribed for those with dementia beginning in 1950’s because they produced enhanced cognition and improved cognitive performance…”
The Beautiful and Gracious Melania Trump Is America’s Great Ambassador
Melania is the most gracious and beautiful First Lady in American history. She has been a rock for this president and a courageous example to all American women.
Trump Destroys Disgusting Liar Obama with One Tweet
Barack Obama broke precedent and slammed his successor President Trump during his DNC speech at the Museum of American Revolution. Obama, who led the greatest political scandal in US history and spied on the Trump campaign and Trump Transition Team, gave one of the most divisive speeches in US history.
Classless Michelle Trashes Trump in Dem Convention Speech
She blamed the Trump Administration for tearing illegal immigrant children from their families and throwing them in cages. In reality it was her own husband’s administration — Barack Obama and Joe Biden who built the cages that hold the immigrant children at the US-Mexico border.
Massive Looting Underway in Chicago as Riots Continue Across the Nation
Black Lives Matter engaged in massive widespread looting in Chicago on Sunday evening, once again. A caravan of vehicles was carrying dozens of looters from store to store.