“We’re ready to rip them apart if that’s what they want.”
Publication: The Gateway Pundit
CNN’s Amanpour Cheers for Necessary Activism Against Trump
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour recently said on the air that she’s very happy about all the activism going on under Trump. If you had any doubt about which side these folks are on, wonder no more. It’s like they were asleep for the eight years Obama was president.
Porn Star Attorney Suspected of Defrauding Million-Dollar Property Owner
According to public records, creepy Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels, defrauded a million dollar home owner in Newport Beach while continuing to live in the owner’s property. This guy is beyond rebuke!
Crooked Hillary Wears $1100 Hermes Scarf to Hide Bulging Back Brace
Hillary was in New Zealand Monday night for a speaking engagement and book tour. She wore what appears to be a back brace while speaking to another less than half full arena. Her inner and outer demons were on display for the Kiwis. Sad.
Migrants Ruin Historic Athens Park
Migrants in Athens have turned the historic Pedion tou Areos park into an unsanitary hellhole. Authorities are blocking off the park once a week by police to clean the park of waste, syringes and broken glass pipes.
MSNBC’s Mika Implies Trump Suffering from Effects of Long-Term STD
MSNBC pundits just can’t understand why President Trump and they want to destroy him.
Some Republicans Are Retiring Because of Assassination Fears
The shooting of Steve Scalise and other Republicans by a Bernie Sanders supporter in the spring of 2017 is having an effect on our current political climate. According to Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, this is the reason some Republicans are retiring.
Liberals Misfire as NRA Breaks Fundraising Record
The left and their allies in media have spent almost three months demonizing the National Rifle Association. They even tried to blame the NRA for the shooting in Parkland, which is absurd. All of this attention has completely backfired. The NRA just broke a fundraising record.
Facebook Allows Page Calling for the Death of Trump
Facebook allows hateful pages calling for President Trump’s assassination. Facebook administrators recently decided the “Kill Trump, Hang Him, Hunt Him” page did not violate community standards. Unbelievable.
Comey Lies at Least 40 Times in Private Memos
These notes show a very corrupt, manipulative, conniving and dishonest FBI Director.
South Florida Grade School Rewards Kids with T-Shirts If They Are Against the Second Amendment
This is the type of garbage that is being promoted to American kids today.
Tech Giants Are Censoring Conservative News
Tech Giants Google and Facebook are currently purging conservative content from Facebook and YouTube — They are hiding conservative stories on Google — They are shadow-banning conservative news on all social media.
Dirty Cop Mueller Investigating Trump for $150K Donation from Ukrainian Who Gave $13 Million to Clintons
All roads lead back to the Clinton crime family.
The Mueller-Led Witch Hunt Is Out of Control
Jim Hoft: The unethical dirty cop Mueller stormed Manafort’s house two weeks before Rosenstein provided support for the raid.
Bad News for Dems as Roseanne Reboot Draws Big Audiences in Middle America
The relaunch was the most watched comedy in 4 years and even beat the Stormy Daniels Sunday “60 Minutes” video in the adult demo. The sitcom did particularly well in Middle America. Leading the ratings were Kansas City, Tulsa, Pittsburgh, St. Louis and Cincinnati.
Roseanne Relaunch Is Finally a Show for the Rest of America
Roseanne is back and she’s pro-Trump, anti-Hillary, anti-resistance and pro-American. What a novel idea! A show that half of America can support.
Stormy’s Super Diliated Pupils Spark Accusations She Was High on Meds for “60 Minutes” Interview
Was washed up pornstar Stormy Daniels high on drugs for her highly anticipated ’60 Minutes’ interview? Twitter couldn’t help but notice Daniels’ dilated pupils. Later came the accusations of drug use.
Leftie Comedienne Samantha Bee Trashes Hope Hicks, Christians and Whites
For some reason the leftie comedians on late night television believe ugly political attacks on conservatives and Christians make good humor.
Oregon Liberals File Gun Confiscation Ballot Measures
As the lying anti gun hysterical types try to tell us “Nobody is coming to take your guns away,” they file a ballot measure petition in Oregon that would do just that. The “Promote Public Safety for All Through the Reduction of Assault Weapons and Large Capacity Magazines” initiative has been filed with the Oregon Secretary of State’s office.
NY Governor Cuomo Participates in Anti-Gun Protest Surrounded by Armed Guards
New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo took part in a die-in protest against gun owners Wednesday in New York City. It would have been more impressive if the governor was not surrounded by armed guards.
She’s Jailed in the UK Because She’s a Conservative
Canadian YouTuber and right-wing activist Lauren Southern has been detained in the United Kingdom and has had her phone and passport taken from her.
NFL Kneeler League Approves National Anthem Protests for Next Season
This week the NFL Players Association defended the millionaire football players’ right to kneel during the National Anthem.
Here Is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites
Top conservative Facebook pages with daily traffic in the millions have seen 75% to 95% drop in traffic. Young Cons, Western Journalism, SarahPalin.com, Independent Journal Review, Right Wing News, and several others have seen dramatic loss in traffic.
Shooting Survivor David Hogg Attacks Trump as Draft Dodger
In the midst of a heady whirlwind New York media tour that has seen him appear in the past three days on ABC, and several CNN and MSNBC interview shows, school shooting survivor David Hogg, a 17 year-old senior, took time out Monday night to attack President Donald Trump for allegedly evading the draft during the Vietnam War in the 1960s.