On Friday The Gateway Pundit had the opportunity to interview former New York City Mayor and President Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani.
Publication: The Gateway Pundit
Have Liberals Become Domestic Terrorists?
Liberals are purposely demonizing, intimidating and persecuting people whose politics they disagree with. They are inciting violence. And this is no joke: They are going to get someone killed.
Trump Slams Two-Faced Jimmy Fallon
Trump was a good sport and let Fallon mess up his hair for laughs and of course it got great ratings. Now Jimmy Fallon regrets messing up Trump’s hair on his show shortly before the election because it ‘normalized’ him.
California Names New Elementary School After Illegal Alien Activist
Illegal alien and “immigrants rights” activist Jose Antonio Vargas is getting a new elementary school named after him in California (of course). Vargas has recently made headlines after propagating a fake picture depicting an immigrant child in a cage…
Portland Gives Nearly $100K Blacks-Only Grant to Hip-Hop Pot Shop
In an effort to combat racial stereotypes, the government is giving welfare to black folks for drugs and rap music…Green Hop, a“marijuana dispensary,” was started with a $96,000 “Portland Opportunities Industrial Center” grant, specifically designed for black folks.
Seattle Considers Free Heroin for Junkies
It’s like there’s a never ending duel between Portland and Seattle to who can out-wackjob the other. Seattle now one-ups Portland, as city councilor Sally Bagshaw wants public funds to go toward paying for illicit street drugs for junkies.
Portland Transit Investigating MAGA Sign on Train
In the People’s Republic Of Portland, anything that isn’t pro-marxist is immediately condemned and protested by the rioting cry bullies of the tolerant, love-trumps-hate left who have nothing better to do with their lives.
CNN’s Jim Acosta Screams Out Disgusting Question About Otto Warmbier
At the most historic point during this most historic day, Jim Acosta from CNN showed his true colors with the most disgusting question at the most inappropriate time. He should never be allowed into a presidential or White House presser ever again.
Trump Approval Rating Better Than Reagan, Obama
According to the latest Fox News poll President Donald Trump has a better rating than Presidents Obama and Reagan at the same point in their presidencies.
Liberal TV Shows Stick Up for Hookers and Porn Stars
Liberal hacks at MSNBC and The View defend honorable hookers and porn stars and their values.
Trump Is Better Than Reagan
Wayne Allyn Root: Trump is our generation’s Reagan. Reagan was my hero. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but…Trump may actually be better than Reagan.
Another Trump Economic Miracle as US Debt Drops by More Than $30 Billion
All the liberal MSM outlets and all the far left politicians said that the Trump tax cuts were selfish and going to increase the amount of US debt. Today we see that they were all wrong….again.
Hillary Bundles Up Like an Eskimo for Memorial Day Parade
Hillary has been spotted many times recently wearing a heavy coat and scarf strategically placed to hide what appears to be a back brace.
Former Attorney General Eric Holder Urges DOJ Employees to Defy Trump Administration
Intelligence expert Tony Shaffer calls this sedition — and he’s right!
Looney-Bird Hillary Delivers Yale Commencement Speech
Worst. Loser. Ever. The more Hillary Clinton talks – the more voters reject the DNC. Keep talking Hillary.
Rudy Puts the Corrupt Mueller Team on Notice
“We’re ready to rip them apart if that’s what they want.”
CNN’s Amanpour Cheers for Necessary Activism Against Trump
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour recently said on the air that she’s very happy about all the activism going on under Trump. If you had any doubt about which side these folks are on, wonder no more. It’s like they were asleep for the eight years Obama was president.
Porn Star Attorney Suspected of Defrauding Million-Dollar Property Owner
According to public records, creepy Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels, defrauded a million dollar home owner in Newport Beach while continuing to live in the owner’s property. This guy is beyond rebuke!
Crooked Hillary Wears $1100 Hermes Scarf to Hide Bulging Back Brace
Hillary was in New Zealand Monday night for a speaking engagement and book tour. She wore what appears to be a back brace while speaking to another less than half full arena. Her inner and outer demons were on display for the Kiwis. Sad.
Migrants Ruin Historic Athens Park
Migrants in Athens have turned the historic Pedion tou Areos park into an unsanitary hellhole. Authorities are blocking off the park once a week by police to clean the park of waste, syringes and broken glass pipes.
MSNBC’s Mika Implies Trump Suffering from Effects of Long-Term STD
MSNBC pundits just can’t understand why President Trump and they want to destroy him.
Some Republicans Are Retiring Because of Assassination Fears
The shooting of Steve Scalise and other Republicans by a Bernie Sanders supporter in the spring of 2017 is having an effect on our current political climate. According to Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, this is the reason some Republicans are retiring.
Liberals Misfire as NRA Breaks Fundraising Record
The left and their allies in media have spent almost three months demonizing the National Rifle Association. They even tried to blame the NRA for the shooting in Parkland, which is absurd. All of this attention has completely backfired. The NRA just broke a fundraising record.
Facebook Allows Page Calling for the Death of Trump
Facebook allows hateful pages calling for President Trump’s assassination. Facebook administrators recently decided the “Kill Trump, Hang Him, Hunt Him” page did not violate community standards. Unbelievable.